A full post on what James Colbert has had to say so far.

Davan, yeah I probably could’ve gotten these results from another type of training, but the beauty of the Inno-Sport system is that there really is only “1 SYSTEM” in existence. If one learned the material well enough, I’m sure they could find a way to make it fit any other coach’s work out there.

Also, the system helped me track fatigue and progress like nothing out there had before. I think it allowed for rapidity of gains I would not have seen elsewhere.


Really? It looked funny to me, but if you tried it and got results, that’s what matters. Also, the person it was written for may have had deficiencies I’m not aware of…I just don’t know. Maybe that work had its place.

In truth, I don’t have all the answers. I’m just a fan of the system trying to progress just like everyone else.



Inno Sport Basics

Mortac, here’s a link to my journal.

I was pretty clueless in the beginning, but as time went by my understanding deepened.


Also, I should note, my current training has little to do with the system I’m working on. It is merely the best training I can piece together with the facilities I have.


y are so many threads popping up with my name in the title… isnt one enough?

I have read BSTE. Crap. I have looked at all this stuff before. Bottomline…what do you run, lift, and jump?

BP 317lbs
Squat 477lbs rock bottom
Hang Clean 297lbs
Power Clean 275lbs
40 4.53
100m 11.43a
55m 6.79a

Not World Class but solid, simple, and duplicatable.

Training Method 123=Result XYZ

My stats are nothing amazing, but they’re increasing steadily every week.

Bench Press: 235-245 lbs (I don’t lift upper body)
Squat: 335 lbs to rock bottom
I don’t power clean, but I have power snatched 205 in the past.
I don’t have a 40 time.
100M: about 11.3 seconds
As you can see, I’m not nearly as strong as you, but I’m faster, and that’s what I’m worried about. Earlier in this thread I’ve listed my gains over the past couple of months. Check them out, I’d say they’re at least decent.


so as you keep improving every wk, in either strength or speed or speed endurance, your doing something right ey. At least your not sitting on the same numbers yr in yr out.

Keep it up RJ.

Thank you very much.

I appreciate it.


I don’t think thats true. From what I remember from the inno sport website, no work is done in like muscle parts until supercompensation has already occured, this would be an example of using an intensification model of training. For example you work until you hit the desired fatigue deficit and then rest until the supercompensation is planned to occur.

From what James has said, Schroeder keeps the fatigue deficit constant until he desires the compensation(or in other words fatigue/inhibition to subside) so that the fitness gains can be expressed.

There seems to be many other differences too, such as(not to beat a dead horse since it has been covered so much already) extreme isos, the uses of various recovery methods, as well as other differences. I am not saying that either method is wrong, as both seem to adhere to the fitness/fatigue model of adaption, but the way the fitness/fatigue theory is applied in each of the systems seems very different.

thanks you, ive said it aabout a million times but people have selective hearing, or in this case reading. the two systems are not the same its about as similar as chariles system and smiths program.

A basic running program, incorporating the iso’s and reflective movements, Also note, tempo is added (to show how it can be added). Working more on Iso’s holds than on reflective movements in this, for maybe 2months? Depending on advancement. After which, a new program would be drawn up, incorporating ever more harder reflective movements, i.e. Higher plyro’s, depth jumps for both upper and lower body. For now, learning the new exercises, and teaching the body correct joint positions is more in order.
Ice to facilitate recovery between efforts
Massage after session, or acupuncture
Contrast showers
Measure blood pressure, heart rate, and body weight each morning and night. To help gauge recovery levels.

Iso’s held to help produce joint angles and to get the antagonists to learn to switch off.

Reflex efforts to keep the body working at high load without taxing out the CNS.

Keep the body around 5-10% tired.

Day 1. (Speed)
Typical track warm up
2 x 30m acc with body weight lunges holds in extreme position at end of each 30m
2 x 20easy 20fast 20easy with body weight squat holds in the extreme iso’s position.
EMS that night before bed on hip flexors, quads and tibias anterior

Day 2. (Strength)
Weights day
Squats 15reps followed by drop and catch of no height for 3-5 sets depending of fatigue
Bench 15 reps x 3-5sets (depending on fatigue) with dumbbell iso’s holds at end of each set
Chin ups 15 reps with an iso’s hold at end of each rep
Med ball work out.
Against a solid wall,
Chest passes overhead passes
Side passes
Throws into air
For 2-5 sets of 50 (stoping when technique fails)
EMS for hammies, glutes and calf

Day 3 (reflective and tempo)
Tempo day
150m runs with push ups, dips, burpies between efforts for 10 efforts, rotating exercises
Plyro’s, jumping up and down 5inches, progressing up to max over the next 2months by 0.5-1 inch each time
Lunge iso’s for 3-5 sets holding for as long as one can for up to 5min
Squats iso’s for 3-5 sets holding for as long as one can for up to 5min
Push ups x 10 with clap between efforts, working up to over 2 months 20reps, then up to 2 claps between each effort.
Push ups for 3 sets of 20-50reps (working up to 50 over a month) followed by iso’s holds
Med ball work outs
With partner, various efforts, stoping when fatigue sets in
EMS for lower back, abs and feet

Day 4 (speed)
Repeat day 1, but hold the iso’s position with either longer efforts, up to 5 min or add some more weight (pending on recovery ability from last session)

Day 5 (strength)
Lunges instead of squats
Incline instead of bench
Barbell rows instead of chins
Med balls
Other parts of day 2 included, i.e. Iso’s

Day 6
AS day 3