This weekend our 4x100 meter relay team got dq’d for a rule that me or my coach apparently was not aware of.
I run 2nd leg. Since me and my anchor are much faster than our other guys our strategy is to have us run the longest legs. I stand 12 feet before the superfly (little triangle) and put my tape down 22 feet behind where i stand so i know when to take off (when my incoming running hits the tape). I take the stick 2 strides after the fly (1st big triangle). Apparently its illegal to stand before the little triangle!!! I did nto know this and neither did my coach!
I had been doing this since i was in 9th grade.
Is anyone familar with this rule?
It doesnt matter anyway… we only ran 42.7X which is around what we have legally ran already. I woulda been pissed if we ran a NCAA qualifyign time which i think we are capable of.
Also on a positive note i took 3rd in the long jump with a leap of 22’1 ( 2 inches beihnd,not even touching the board) which is 5 inches off my PR.
I’m in tenth grade right now. And win I ran on our4x1 we were’nt allowed to stand behind the little triangle. I don’t know why they didn’t enforce it when you were in ninth grade, but we usually put our tape down after counting steps from teh little triangle and simply stand at the triangle when prepairing to start
You must stand anywhere in front of the fly to attempt to get the baton.
You cannot recieve the baton until after you are between both large triangles.
The fly zone (or superfly as you call it) is named for that very reason - to give the runner a chance for a flying start. Sorry to hear what happened, but now you know.
Most of the time the officials aren’t really paying attention to that. So most athletes wouldn’t know unless someone told them. But it is illegal. Only in real big meets where all the officials are hired to be as nit picky as possible do they really focus on those things. Just like changing lanes in an intersection. It’s illegal but most people don’t know that.