Hello I need to ask some advise in how you supose to plan my seassions.
I run the 400 and now I have one day shortsprint, one day speed endurence and so on…
Is this the best method, or should I mix the seassions with shortsprints and end with longer races in the same seassion?
:mrt: or if maybe someone could give example for a typical 400m-runner trainingweek.take care…
Don’t overcomplicate! Speed Day = Speed Emphasis. SE = SE emphasis. On SE day you may find a Low Vol. of Speed Work helps to prime the system for SE.
2 Speed, 1 SE, 3 tempo per Week is standard CFTS fare. A Speed Endurance session can substitute one of the speed sessions, maybe alternating every other week or on how you feel.
Thanks gf_200,so what you say is
2 speedseassions
1 speedendurance
3 tempo seassions
Did I get it right, because I´m not good at all of the fact language.Once again thanks.:mrt: