4 day split...

Hang Snatch
Clean Pull
Power shrug
Box Step-up

Back circuit 1
Pullup/hammer curls

Front Squat

Push ciruit 1
Dips/side laterals

Push press
Hang Clean
Clean Pull
Box Step-up

Back circuit 2
Rows/concentration curl

Speed Squat
Close grip bench
Incline bench

Push circuit 2
DB press/side laterals

ok so some folk think that i should do walking lunges or something instead of one of the stepups… and also doing sldl 2 times… ghr still hurting my knee…

opinions please…

dont look to bad, that program look familar. no need to do cp for 3x8.

Why do you have curls in there? I’d say group the rows with the pullups and forget the curls all together. Biceps are not a needed muscle group and will get trained when you do other back work.

What’s your intensity on the deadlifts and squats (percieved effort)? Why are you doing 20 rep sets of squats on Tuesday?

theres no problem with during curls once or twice a week, hes a football player. remember everyone dont have to train like a sprinter.

ok so some folk think that i should do walking lunges or something instead of one of the stepups… and also doing sldl 2 times… ghr still hurting my knee…

opinions please…

i would probably do bar lunges on monday, stepups on thur. do weighted hypers on mon, gh on tue, rdl on thur, good morning on fri.

I play football…

I’ve never found curls helpful. They’re pretty useless imo, better ways to train your biceps for functional strength (like deadlifts for instance)

nothing wrong with during a arm circuit once week on friday, it make your athletes train harder, vanity work.

Haha yea I suppose if its for vanity purposes…notice how he’s coupled it with back exercises though? I think it’d be better off at the very end of a workout AFTER back work if it’s to be done at all.

i agree, i did a program similar to the one above and i always perform lat circuit on tue and arm circuit on fri:

lat circuit: 2x10
h pullups
inverted row

arm circuit: 2x10
db curls
band tri ext
bar curls

problem i have is that when i do chins and pullups i have 50kg round my waste so screws up using it for most supersets or giant sets…

i alway tray and beat the pr for the rep range in the exercise…

i do 20 rep squats basically because i have run out of plates to use at lower reps… plus like the rep range… use the front squats for the strength and the normal squats for hypertrophy…

should be 5 oops…

instead of what…

that ideal but as siad struggle with weighted belt etc…

plus only have access to a power rack… dip station…

I’ve found doing legs 2x/wk in off season in addition to sprint and jump work is best, with two days focused only on upper body.

I didn’t mean superset them, just have them side by side :slight_smile: Do the weighted pullups after the heavy back work (rows, etc)

As for the no more weight for the bar problem, wow :confused: Do you have access to any other gyms that own more then a few plates lol?

what so do you mena rest between sets or not…

no train at home… can squat 250kg for 10 and that all i can fit on my bar as only have 6 20kg plates… will buy more eventally but they are expensive…

Jesus, how much do you weigh? That’s a v. nice squat!

Do your rows…set rest set rest set rest etc…then move on to the chinups… set rest set rest set rest etc

then volume would be huge… trying to avoid that…

just finished a 3 week cycle with 90 sets in 3 sessions… was dam hard work…

weigh abou 218lbs right now…

That’s awesome man keep it up!

The volume obviously depends on how many sets you have, but I say don’t superset them. IMO supersetting is nice for hypertrophy once in a while and for muscular endurance but strength wise it’s not worth it.

ye but surely the point in the latter exercises is for assistance work and hypertrophy…

my main aim is to get 200kg for tiple on front squat… going to try that this week…