30m (vid)- arm action


here is a 30m sprint from yesterday’s session (i am still in my GPP)…
I think sth’s wrong with my arm motion! Like my arms completely open up on the backswing and not driving enough from the elbow?
How do i fix that?
You think i have any other form issues?
Any advice is appreciated!

your arms go straight, bend it at 90 degrees

I think sth’s wrong with my arm motion! Like my arms completely open up on the backswing and not driving enough from the elbow?

You’re dead right!

How do i fix that?

Perhaps spend some time each day beside a mirror practicing correct arm motion. Make sure your arms are bent during drills, and make a big conscious effort during reps; tell your coach/mates to shout at you if they are not.

Alternatively, my coach used to occsionally give me this useful adivce: JFDI (Just F*ing Do It!). Sometimes you gotta JFDI…

I used to do the exact same thing. I’d learned to relax my shoulders and jaw but I still had the problem of incorrect angles in the arms. I started to use correct arm swing in tempo and it got a lot better after just a week. Eventually I let my hands go limp as well and a few weeks later it’s fixed almost completely (I don’t have a coach so I can’t judge during my drive phase as I usually am so relaxed I blank out but during the rest I know they’re correct)