300's & 400's In Training for Sprinters

You don’t posttimes for the speed work examples that you describe as medium intensity- I personally doubt that those sessions are truly medium (example a 10.00 sprinter cruises through a few 100s in 10.50 [easy right?]- that’s still high intensity. It’s hard to imagine starts being slow enough to be truly medium. Put a watch on your sample workouts (discretely) and see if they’re not in the 95th percentile of best times.

linarski sounds like that guy needs a pyschologist,that’s weird. Why would the guy have a mental block against running short distance speed?Mabye tell the guy to run a 100 but yell his name,blow a whistle, shoot a gun throw a tomatoe at him, to get him to stop running once he hits a certain distance. Keep doing this then he might get used to the speed at short distance.


The running times for medium intensity workouts arer based on around 90% speed as i have said. I didn’t bore you with the details because my athlete is not that fast (around 11.5e).

Nevertheless, i will now eleborate.

His best 60m is 7.39e wind aided. Hence, 90% of that would be around 8.0 seconds. On a medium day he would do around 5 reps at this speed with around 5 minutes rest.

On a fast day he would do 2-3 reps near maximum pace focusing on relaxation. This may be followed with 2-3 flying 30ms.

For the 120m for example, again his medium session would be around 90% of his best which is only 14.1 seconds. Hence, he would do 3 reps around 15.4.
For a fast 120m session, again 1-2 reps near maximal speed, but hopefully relaxed.

The weights follows the same process, Intense near 100% reffort which for him is 120kg for 6 reps in relatiuon to the full squat.
On a medium day he would do around 3 sets of 6 reps on 100kg (80-85%) with about 3-5 minutes rest.

Hence, each intense workout, either on the track or in the gym, is followed by two medium workouts. In other words, every ten days i have my athlete do an intense workout either on the track or in the gym.

As this is the Winter part of training, what do you think? So far this season, it has worked very well for myself and my athlete as he improves and I approach strength levels similar to what I did some ten years ago.

Ok, I follow.

Originally posted by Terminator2
Mabye tell the guy to run a 100 but yell his name,blow a whistle, shoot a gun throw a tomatoe at him, to get him to stop running once he hits a certain distance. Keep doing this then he might get used to the speed at short distance.


i too agree training should be geared toward the individuals tendencies and tolerance, but that is hard when you coach 5 sprinters all who need different attention Or, if you coach 20-30 high school sprinters.

I have also noticed that if an athlete hasn’t been in my system they will struggle with it.
I am a junior college coach and had to totally alter my workouts because athletes were coming from schools where the training was horrible, and others from schools where training was very good.

Some needed so much more recovery and seriously, in many cases the differences were so far apart, some of the athletes could never finish the workouts. I think science teaches us a lot about how the human body is suppose to react to certain workouts, but genetics also causes that to vary.

I think evaluating each athlete individually, then if need be, devising a program that can help each is the best way to go. If you are a coach who has the time to coach one athlete at a time or only has 1 or 2 athletes, then things may be easier.

Another thought, I remember the old school way of training was to run kids in the ground, train hard everyday, and kids would get faster. The problem with this is, kids would get faster because in many cases they were going from doing nothing to doing something.

That doesn’t really fly anymore, kids, college age athletes, and post collegiate athletes need rest, the body cannot perform well without it, NO PAIN NO GAIN, is not really the way to go but I find many coaches who think this. They follow the, who cares if you are still sore, that means the workouts are working, wrong again, it means you are not getting proper rest and diet…

just a bunch of random thoughts.