2010 NFL Combine

I have some old programs from John when he was with U of H and outlines from the Jets.

Jeremy Maclin’s pre combine training was posted here a while ago really sucked… They had him doing all these exotic lifts, resulting in him running a 4.58 or something (he had run a 4.41 and was hoping for a 4.3)…

In fact…his acceleration was a bit strange, and upper body too tight…running this way, I can bet he’d struggle to run under 6"80 over 60…

Trindon has been working with LSU head strength coach for football. So I’m sure he’s doing a shit load of volume and plenty of 110’s.

Just to prove how bullshits are those times, I timed 5 times spiller and 5 times best… and always got an average 7-8 hundreths faster fo Spiller…will try some few times later.
Was the surface not painted 2 years ago?Maybe slippering also…
Would still love to see again NFL fastest men over 60Y…would put all on jacoby ford.

I disagree. That is the way he has always run. Weeks after football last year he “showed up” and ran under 6.6x early in the track season if i recall correctly. And he has also run 6.6 in high school.

Funny you mention the Jets. There was a member here who was a Asst SC coach for the jets. He loved charlies stuff but could not do any of it with the players cuz of politics… It would have got him in hot water with the head SC coach for the jets at the time… I guess the good coaches not only do things right but also do the right thing for the athletes…

When you say they’re timed manually, are you implying that two different people react and start their respective timing system when the athlete first moves?

Why don’t they just use a Brower hand pad to start? Wouldn’t that standardize all results?

No one would know how to use it. Maybe it could be one of the player intelligence tests.

Lol. :)Mortac…
It’s a bit sad to see the world’s richest sport going on with unaccurate data collection.

Taylor Mays combine freak 230lbs unofficial 4.24 with one run to go!!

Those individuals who provide the ‘unofficial’ times that you’ll notice on TV, if you watched the combine footage on NFL network, are using stop watches.

There are two different individuals manually starting a Brower system and an older system (can’t remember the name). So even the electronic systems are started manually.

A touch pad would pose much too great a logistical problem due to the sensitivity of the pad.

I speak from experience regarding teams I’ve coached at the high school level as well as this one.

My preferred method of timing is an electronic timing gate system in which the starting gate is wired as a ‘reverse gate’. In this way, the system does not start until the beam is connected. The athlete starts in the gate, breaking the beam, and when the athlete leaves the gate the beam connects and the timer starts.

I don’t actually have a system like this; however, I spoke with a company that makes various timing systems and offers such an option.

This would provide for fully automatic times, void of human error; although reaction time is not a factor so these times could not be accurately compared to T&F times.

4.24 with shitty tech!!!

Holy Shit!!

That is unbelievable.

Someone teach and make this guy cover just a little and he will be all-time.

Tom Shaw guy Mr. Rolle unofficial 4.69!!!

Shitty tech, all power!!

Can’t wait to watch it tonight. Dude is just RAW!

If he relax on this next 40, he will go 4.18.

Second 40: 4.34…

James: Espn’s Lynn Pasquerella rated Doring Dickerson as the athlete that helped himself the most so far in the draft. He thinks he will be used like Chris Cooley as an H-Back