Crawford is fearless…thats what I like about thsi cat…he has the balls to give Bolt a good race…but in the real world he’s not the same Crawford from 2004 where he had that basic 9.88 speed…I think Dix and Martina will feature I’d also put some money on Jaysuma of Norway if he’s fit.
Think we’ll get a finalist?
Semi’s at best I’m afraid…To make that final you have to run 20.00 to 20.3x
My potential 200m Finalists:
Bolt,Dix,Spearmon,Jaysuma,Hession,Beyens,Martina and Brendan Christian
So hession and no crawford eh?
Oops my bad! I forgot him!
so far my predictions going well!!
Ok…only 8 lanes…so…depending on the draw I’d have to go with Hession over Beyens…other wise I’d have them both in there.