11-1m speeds...

hey, i have alot of numbers on pro long jumpers and triple jumpers both male and female for their final 10m speeds on the runway, also stride length, max V on the runway etc etc…

however, i have never came across any official speeds of Irving Saladino on the runway, i really need to know how fast this guy is hitting the baord at…

anyone have any speeds? research? anything…

i have non, but could you post these numbers?

ok, from birmingham 2004, before the olympics games…

Phillips won with 8.35m. on that jump his max speed was 11.33mps. his avg 11-1m speed was 11.07mps. His speed at the baord was 10.58mps. So, as you can he loses speed at board, mainly dues to his big lowering i think. His second from last stride was 2.70m and his last was 2.14m, large difference again.

Now, heres something cool, Chris Tomlinsons best jump was 7.95m. His max speed was 10.71mps and his avg 11-1m speed was 10.53. His speed at board however was a dismass 9.9mps and he still went 7.95m. Very interesting…His final 2 strides are very simular also, unlike Phillips…

i have much more but hes for starters…

any thoughts…

wow, no one finds this cool ?

how many different ways there are to jump 8m…

hmmm, i think it is…

I’m surprised that dwight didn’t loose more speed than thomlinson but if I remember correctly Dwight’s technique was pretty ok in 2004.Some details in his technique is obviously good but as you said he is usually VERY low on his penultimate.His speed is extremely good (11,33/11,07) and I would guess he’s very strong too…
I have been tested in a similar way myself last year in training and I lost about 1m/s from max.speed on the board…That’s too much! The test was probably done with a similar device as in Birmingham.
I would also like to see what Saladino is doing on the runway! My guess is his speed is nothing extraordinary but he looses less than both phillips and Thomlinson on the board.
Do you have more numbers to post,Crazyhops?

I believe saladino ran 10.3 100m in brazil some years ago (said so by a training partner who lived with him in sao paulo´s training center).


10.3 hand time i take it? hmmm, no where can i find that info…

i did email him once and asked him how fast he can run for 40m. He replied and said 3.7 seconds…now this didnt make much sense, because 3.7 HT for fly 40m is avg for a top jumper, and 3.7 for standing is impossible…so i have no idea…

That´s what I was told by someone who trained with him, tomorrow I am seeing him again so I am going to ask him. You aren´t going to find it on the net.

Apparently he ran that fast exactly as you see him running on the runway. I believe saladino had 10.6 fat under his belt from his early years, but he thought (wisely) that it wasn´t worth to pursuit a sprinting career. That is pretty astounding for athletes from little countrys (like me) where someone running 10.5 fat is a freak occurrence.

Back on topic, here are some test of jonathan edwards the week before his 18.43w. I believe he was power cleaning arround 135kg at that moment.

30m 4.02 – 60m 6.88 (4.02)(10.48mps) – 60m 6.90 (3.99)(10.30mps) – 60m 6.89 (4.02)(10.45mps)

In ecuador there is a junior who runs 11.1 fat yet jumps 7.5 (jorge mc farlane). Robert crowther from australia ran 10.66 fat before winning at the 06 wjc with an 8.17 worth jump. Take in count these guys normally don´t practice starts at all.

This training partner has 10.57 fat as a pb (100m specialist), yet struggles to jump 7m.

wow,thanks alot man…thats awesome, i would love to train with saladino…

In some videos he does look fast, in others he really deosnt, yet in all of them he jumps about the same distance, with great height and good extention on landing…

I think he runs around 10.5mps on the runway.

Well, more interesting numbers. In 2007 (sheffield) Chris Tomlinson went around 7.90-8.00m on every jump and his speeds were really different than in 2004. Hi avg 11-1m speeds were down around 10.2mps, however his speed at the board was way up around 10.6mps. Which would mean his last stride had him fastest of all. I havent seen any other jumpers that do this. Everyone one else looses speed at the baord except Chris. Really impressive. When you watch him jump he has a very active last 2 strides and stays as tall as possible without any lowering.

Same meet a jump by nathan morgan was 7.92m, his 11-1m speed was 10.24mps but his at board speed dropped down to 9.6mps and he still jumped 26feet. I would say most of us on this site could run 9.6mps, but could we jump 26feet. hmmm

I have never heard of anyone accelerating all the way to the board,very impressive indeed!
When using photocells and/or average speed between 11-6m & 6-1m one can see a slight acc. among alot of longjumpers.But not with all, Lewis had a slight deacceleration in most jumps and emmiyan 853 (eff.863) 10,52->10,27m/s. With the high tech devices used today wich can measure “everything” it’s even harder to see a acceleration all the way…
By the way, Thomlinson looked very fast in valencia this winter.Do you have any numbers on that?

yeah i agree he really did look fast…

ive been trying to get hold of them but the UKA didnt have a set up there, spanish athletics would have them. But im trying…

one thing i do have though are his speeds in december 07, 3 months before the world champs…

he ran 2.00 seconds for fly 20m (20m accel into it) (his pb is 1.98)
He also jumped 7.35m from 14 (pb 7.60m) the same day…

these number are kind of low for him so im sure his training load was still very high at that point…

i have lots of triple jump stuff and womens speeds also, ill post later…

Phillips Idowu, the new world indoor champ (17.75m indoors) has long jumper type speed…He can effortly run around 10.7mps on the runway, and from the video in valencia im sure he was approaching 11mps on that day. I think he would have won the long jump that weekend also in the shape he was in. Althought he cant land for shit…

Back when Christian Olson was world number 1 he had very average speed on the runway. Between 9.8 - 10.0mps. His phases were also very standard, usually around 6m, 5m and 6m usually extra on last phase when he jumped 17.50 or so.

Gregoria was also very fast for triple jumpers around 10.5mps, hense why he can also long jump very well.

Do you know anything about his training?(Thomlinson)

I’ve heard his coach is Edwards ex.coach.Is it anything like the “training diary” that can be found on the internet? Low volumes,high intensity,lots of olympic lifts and small volumes of bounding ,alot of rest…etc.

I’ve heard Gregorio is also training with stanley? I was on a training camp in march/april 2007 in Tenerife and Gregorio was there.He didn’t have a coach with him but his wife/girlfriend was filming when he jumped.He did “complex” training in the weigth room.1/4 squats/depth jumps/bounding.When I saw him at the track (2-3x) he did approach work, 3-jumps from about 12-14 steps, alot of running drills and some endurance bounding without shoes on grass.

He seemed to be in great shape allready there.17.90 a couple of weeks later in Brazil.

i know the guys in the group and my old coach is great freinds with pete…i dont really know specifics though, but i know whats envolved…

endurance bounding early fading into speed bounding etc…double and singer leg box jumps, speeds a constant, short approach jumps, although never in comps, max strength, power phases etc…

i have alot of number for tomlinson in testing, strength, bounding, vertical, rate of force devel, speed, etc…overall hes very good at long jumping, but not that special at anything specific test…

gregorio is insanely strong i know that…

PJ put up alot numbers for both Long Jump and Triple Jump speeds on the IAAF Forums but the forums are no more (I’m not teasing honest, jus thought I’d state this in case the numbers appeared again)

Gregorio is a beast. Ya get the feelin that one day he could just ‘kablam !’ and 18m+

There a couple of speeds given for J Edwards’ jumps in this video, but I don’t know if they’re 11-1m speeds, or top speed reached in run-up. One of them was 40.3kmh (25.04mph / 11.194m/s)for one of his 1993 Stuttgart jumps:

I’d love to see some data on his speed from Atlanta OG in 1996 because he looked to be moving even faster than he was in Gothenburg the year before

Great video!!!

The sprinter with whom I was supposed to talk didn´t appear at track today so I owe the answer to you.

Edwards ran 10.48 (his 100pb) at FSU in 1996, he was faster than ever that year.

Crazyjumper, you also have some crazy lifting capabilities, isn´t it?

ive never heard of speeds like that for him…that is absolutley insane for a triple jumper…but he was fast…i doubt that fast though…

wish i could see those numbers…maybe pj could post them on here ?

I have the same numbers, from NSA and Atleticastudi articles by his coach.

yeah, i do have somewhat “crazy” lifting abilities i guess…but id take long jumping further over all of my strength and speed anyday…

I finally got to talk with my training partner, saladino has 10.4 fat under his belt.