100mph Pitcher's and Top Javelin Throwers

Agreed, the bench press has turned taboo for many throwing athletes in CONUS and I find it amusing.

The problem has nothing to do with the bench press and everything do to with inadequate training, therapy, stretching, etcetera to ensure that:

  • the shoulder internal rotators and pectoral minor do not become tight and short
  • shoulder external rotators and lateral abductors do not become lengthened and weak
  • seratus anterior is properly strengthened
  • overhead mobility and dynamic stability is addressed
  • scapular depression and downward rotation is regularly trained
  • overall mobility and dynamic stabilization of shoulder girdle is addressed
  • hip mobility is sufficient
  • training program as a whole is sound

I have integrated various drills that Thorkildsen performs as general preparatory training into the training of my quarterbacks. I met a throws coach in 2007 who had acquired these videos of Thorkildsen and I noticed that they have more recently been posted on Youtube:

Thorkildsen Gymnastics

Many fantastic drills for all throwing athletes.