************100meter Final *****************


I could’nt beleave how nervous i was, i felt like crying. I only ever got that nervous befor, when Lennox Lewis fought Mike Tyson. But i think i was even more nervous.

Welldone to Justin Gatlin, and a great performance.

I knew that Asafa Powell would get scraed, and tighten up. I was saying it all day, and i noticed in the semis that he was begining to realise where he is.

I think that he was wrong, in some of the comments he said about Muarice Greene, that he is a talker. Maurice Greene is the greatest 100meter sprinter of all time.

He made a defense of his title, and raised his game. I could see the measure of the man, on the starting line, he was pumping himself up. And it was like going back to the past, i saw how hard he tried mentally and physically.

Greene is a champion, and there is no other place for him.

The BBC coverage was good, they covered it from satrt to finshed. It seemed to take so long!

Greene nearly did it, god dam, i feel like i have ran 9.85sec mentally.

I congradulate Justin Gatlin. Well done.

I agree with your comments on Gatlin, Obik and Greene. They were all great today in the 100m final, as were all the others in the final. I also thought that Powell was shot to pieces after I saw him in the semi final, I thought that he didn’t have much left to give for the final. And on the startline Powell was sweating and his eyes told a stroy of nervousness.

It truly was a great a 100m race, and I think it shall be remembered by the
‘’ class of '04 ‘’ for a long, long time…


Justin and Maurice got good starts and that is why they won medals. The times where great and so close. Fantastic. That was the first of the men’s races I saw.

Gatlin’s accel. around 20m seemed decisive - otherwise an extremely finely balanced race with the big players showing very similar acceleration, top speed and speed endurance capabilities.

From a Brit point of view, the message to MLF & the 10.1+ brigade is don’t expect anything at this level unless you are a COMPLETELY prepared.

Giving your lane neighbour a wet willy before the Oly final is hella funny. But does it make you run 9.85?

I was just keeping my eyes on Greene and Powell, all through the race. And then i looked over to lane 3 and 4 and seen Galtin and Powell. I think the race was great, what a performance by eveyone. Also obidaily thompson (first name spelt wrong sorry), yes i think he perfomed well to reach the final. And Francis obikweli, perfomed his greatest in these championships.

I think Asafa Powell got scared, i think he was afriad in lane 6. i think it affected him being nexted to greene.

Over at letrap message board, ato Boldon has posted his veiws on the 100meter final.

Kim Collins was one of the winners again,
he run 10.0s !!! His SB and just 2 hundreths more his PB,
but Gatlin was 1.2 tenth faster…
That´s why he get´s Gold.
Oh, i forgot to mention,
Gatlin´s reaction was the worst…
and Greene get´s gold again 0.151s
he reacted 0.037 faster than Gatlin.
So, Gatlin run 0.057 faster than Greene.
Gatlin with Mo´s reaction time would be a 9.81s race.
Gatlin was realy fast and Kollins was fast too,
Kollin time for the 100m was 9.825s,
actually, the race times was in order of finish;
9.662 JG
9.697 FO
9.719 MG
9.729 SC
9.774 AP
9.825 KK
9.936 OT

wind: +0.6

I agree Mr. Cool, it was a great race, and congrats to Justin and Mo, however, I have to disagree with your statement that Mo Greene is the greatest 100m sprinter of all time, let’s give Carl and Ben their due, Carl for winning 2 Olympic 100’s, and Ben for running 9.79, and we know the deal on that one, but what a great race.

Feel bad for the guy. H e runs a 8.8? and he doesn’t get a medal. Anyone think if Matt Shirvington or that Greek were still available they would ahve made it to the final?

Do you guys have a link or video for the final

Great Race! With many lessons.
1: Never show off or overqualify in the rounds.
Crawford ran with a hat in Ht1- if it had come off and interfered with anyone, he’d be gone! Auto DQ. Also the 9.89 QF was expensive. His final time indicates it was pretty much all out!
Gatlin did only what was necessary to get there through the rounds.
2: Never bail too early (Powell) and, if you do, don’t try to re-accelerate. It’s dangerous and extremely draining!
Ben shut down too early in his QF in Seoul, but he didn’t try to re-start and just rode it out and qualified on time.
3: Never underestimate Mo Greene. He has clearly been below his best for some time and has had to modify his start, I believe because he is protecting a tendon injury. Yet when push came to shove, he was out first and they barely caught him! (He knew he did a great job too.)

Charlie I must commend you on your comments…never scared too dish out a lesson and sometimes full of praise!! True coach !!

Hell no!!..lets get real here…No chance for Matt getting to that final.

Maybe Crawford should have used the first 2 rounds to clean her start, it was really horrible, and had to hit max speed in order to overcome it. In final, he ran 9.89 like in QF, that’s not really interesting. Glad to see that Gatlin, Obikwelu and Greene are in the top 3 as they are the 3 best technician. On the other hand the women’s final is not the kind of thing to show to sprint schools… but they were all very young and still in progress, only Debbie had already been an individual Olympic finalist, very unusual.
Gatlin was the quietest of all in the qualification rounds, Crawford and Powell were maybe faster than him, but they spent too much energy for nothing.

I would say as a rule of thumb (exceptions possible) you had to be the following type of athlete to surely reach next round:

1 90% of the performances sub 10.30 - survived heats
2 90% of the performances sub 10.20 - survived round 2 made the semis
3 90% of the performances sub 10.10 - survived semis and made the final

Matt was category 1, at his very best maybe 2.

one of the best 100 m races ever. My money is still on crawford for the 200

Mine is on Obikwelu, now. :wink:

Great race and good to see the ‘nice guy’ finishing 1st - Justin’s legs during acc look really odd - so far forward - he must have some power.

Mo was awesome - if he’d been closer to Gatlin I think it would have been even faster.

I was surprised at Powell - he seemed so confident in the rounds.

On the Brits - Jason Gardener didn’t do bad considering - he got the indoors title - maybe he’ll make some progress when he’s fit. MLF needs something drastic to change - still he’s young.

Seemed weird without Dwain.

This is why I come here - for those lessons.

  1. The hat thing - I was wondered about that after the race last night - what would have happened if it hat come off.

I agree with the comments about MG.
I saw him coming in for some poor comments on TV and our old friend Michale Johnson wasn’t exactly ‘pouring on the prasie’ afterwards, but MG has had a very good year dispite all the difficulties and ran an excellent race, with a great time.

One of the things I admire about MG is his ability to handle the defeat like he did yesterday.
He spoke to reporters, smiled and acknowldeged the winners.

His reaction might not be a big deal to most people but I notice it - Personally - I can’t handle defeat as well as he can - it gets to me and annoys me and rather than hide it as MG does I let it bother me and it really stays with me for a long time afterwards.

Great race by Gatlin though.

I was very disapointed with Pierre Browne and Nicolas Macrozonaris. I think alot of Canada’s Olympic team has gotten bitten with the losing bug at these Olympics - I’d hoped for a semi-final appearance from at least one of these guys. :frowning:

Any comments on the women’s final? A Belarussian is the world’s fastest woman? Go figure! Yuliya Nesterenko was amazing!