************100meter Final *****************

Muarice Greene is the Greatest 100m sprinter of all time, no one has dominated like him, and he ws feared by his athletes.

You people can have a agurment.

btw, I missed the QF or Semi’s with Crawford wearing the hat and Powell’s slow down…if anyone has a clip of these I would really appreciate it. thnx

I knew Kim Collins wouldn’t win it, I got tiredo f these peopel saying he was going to win it justb ecauseh e was a world champ, yes, he did win it but that was the slowest 100m in theworld champs ever, I personally think that they really over-rated the guy.

I’m glad that Gatlin won, hes my boy.

Lauryn Williams would of won the gold if her form wasn’t so horrifically bad, she runs leaning forward and hseowuld of gotten that beleruse girl if hse didn’t trip up the final 10 meters, she just annoys me the way she runs. She wasn’t relaxed either, if you saw her face the whole race it was tensed unlike theo ther heats prior where she was relaxed and all good. Shes young and will dominate when she ages but IMO, she blew it herself.

Justin may have had a good drive, but his reaction time was the slowest of all eight.

The best 100 meters I’ve ever seen since the 1991.

i don’t even remember the last olympic 100m final, but this one was pretty sweet. only bad thing was that I had read on yahoo that gatlin won it before they showed it on NBC…:stuck_out_tongue: And no one expected it, making the victory just a bit sweeter…

you think he’s got “what it takes” to become a star like johnson? or did he have something probably no one else will with his 200/400 gold stuff? i like his personality…maybe because he lacks the cockiness of “bigger name” guys, but still…

Yep, the way she runs is one of the most weird things I’ve seen on track - she looks like doing good-mornings at top speed :wink:
If I was her coach I would force her to run 300m every other day just to force her giving up that position. (Just kidding)

Any comments?
Still damn fast for running the whole 100 in acceleration position. She’s so youg - I wonder what the next seasons will bring for her.

Hey Fabio, which country do you live ?

I live in the USA

That´s right ( why ) so…
how many people and how much money your country have ? Please, you can tell me in american dollar.

People? I think around 250 million people livei n the USA. How much money do we have? Crap…I dunno, definitely in the billions, HIGH billions lol Maybe trillions. thats the part where I am definitely fuzzy on, I just know its more than I can fathom haha