100 to begin in Dec

I will start off with the focus for monthly cycles that I will begin in Dec with some of my HS sprinters


Mon- short hills 20x10m accel frr(full rest recovery 2min)weights
Tues- 10x100s Jog recovery, core, med ball throw

Weds- starts; 10x20m–> 20m flyes; weights
Thurs- Repeat Tues
Friday - weights

Mon- short hills 10x20m accel frr(full rest recovery 2min)weights
Tues- 10x100s Jog recovery, core, med ball throw

Weds- starts; 10x20m–> 30m flyes; weights
Thurs- Repeat Tues
Friday - weights

I will submit February and March once I get adequate feedback on what I have thus far.
Also watch for the 400 program w/n the next week under the 400 threadz!
hop in and lets chop it up

Dec, Mon: I suppose the 10s will be in sets (e.g., 4 x 5 reps, etc)? I would still try and make it a bit more stimulating/interesting during the session by at least varying the distance (e.g., 10-15-20 m). What’s “frr”?

Tues/Thurs: I would try and vary the tempo, too. Also, this would be the time for a build up in volume, if needed -up to you/their needs.

Weds: what do you mean by “starts”? As in blocks? And after the 10 x 20s are you progressing to the 20 m flyings in the same session?

Friday: perhaps it’s convenient in your plan (i.e., schedule, timing, etc), but I’d prefer placing a weights-only session mid-week and the second acceleration session on Friday with the weekend off, just to spread the load (?)

Jan: some track work could be introduced on acceleration days (?)
You could start standardising tempo volume, etc.
About Weds, same questions as above…
About Friday, same suggestion, if possible.
Overall, I’d delay flying work to a later stage that it already is.

Hope these help!

The frr means full rest recovery
Actually the hill sprints were 20sets of 10m. Is that too many?

I like the idea of varying the distances and varying the tempo. THere is a good chance I may only have the track access for 1-2 days per week.
The weight room is in total different location from the indoor track.

The flyes are 10 reps of 20m build up (===>) w/ a 20m fly.

I too like the idea of wts only session in mid week. If I can get the track for Fridays I will adjust.