100 meter help needed

I’d say you’re squatting and doing olympic lifts too much. That’s almost the same lifting schedule I did when I ran 12.8 :smiley:

If you’re olympic lifting and squatting fairly heavy 2-3 times per week, then you’re probably pretty tired from doing so. Remember, running is your priority.

Maybe try something like:

Mon- snatch, squat(heavy), good mornings, rows
Wed- Bench, shoulder raise, bicep, tricep, flys
Fri- Power clean, squat (light weight), straight leg deadlift, rows

BTW, Back when I was in HS, I cut my time from 12.5hand time to 11.54FAT in about 4 months once I started training properly. It’s all about doing quality lifts & jumps, not quantity, and having a reasonable running schedule.

The rest in between runs could also be a problem. Walking back 100m is not a full recovery for a full sprint like that, so you’re not gonna be getting a very quality run after the first time through. See if you can try and walk back really slowly to the line, and maybe tell your coach your tight and that you have to stretch a little once you get back to the line. Anything you can do to buy you time in between runs would help.

What where the plyos were you doing mortac?

Nothing too complex. I would do something like:

jumps in place 3x10 (quick ground contacts)

Box jumps (~18" box)…ground to box to ground to box…quick ground contacts

alternate leg bounds for distance 3x10

single leg speed bounds 3x20m

I know Verkhoshansky did a study on the effects of distance bounds and speed bounds on 100m performance. It basically showed that speed bounds helped short speed and distance bounds helped to speed. A combination of both was best for the 100m performance. This study is in one of his books and also in Supertraining by Mel Siff.

Please remember, that if you are already doing a high volume of sprint work, you probably want to keep the plyo #s low. For example, maybe only do 1 or 2 sets of the above.

Significant gains can also be made when you mix a low number of jumps in your traditional lifting schedule. For example,

Mon- 5x3 snatch w/ 1x3 box jumps after every set of snatches
3x5 squat(heavy) w/ 1x6 jumps in place after every set of squats
3x5 good mornings w/ 1x3 overhead medicine ball throws after every set of good mornings

I coach college track and we do alot of the lifts mixed with jumps to train for the 55m dash. This year I was given full control of 3 sprinter/jumpers and here were the results for the 55m. I followed most of Charlie’s recommendations (I have all of his literature/videos) and also included jumps in my lifting sessions like above:
Athlete#1- 7.04 (2004), 6.49(2005)
Athlete#2- 7.01 (2004), 6.67(2005)
Athlete#3- 7.00 (2004), 6.73(2005 w/ a stumble start)

It should be noted that we still have 1 100m sprinter who remains training with the “old methods” with another coach (basically training like a long to short 400m guy)
Athlete#4- 6.73(2004), 6.69(2005)

I usually lift by myself. Is there something other than the medicine ball that i could do?

Well if you have medicine balls you could possibly just go outside after each set and throw them from knee position up over your head for max height.

If you don’t do med ball you could just do good mornings without any throw or jump. Maybe you could also just do like 1x2 standing long jump or something.

I usually do 30 minutes of plyos and stuff on tuesday and thursday. Does that affect my workout?

I think you’re going to have to post an entire week example of what you are doing for me to comment further.

I do weights every monday wednesday friday and on Sat and Sun i talk a break.
Alternate Bounding
Depth Jumps

Single Leg Bounding
Box Jumps
Rim touches

These are my main exercises and i do about 2-3 sets and about 10 reps of each.

and your running?

I run last week went like this


4-150 meter build ups
2-400 meter

200, 300 , 400, 500, 400, 300, 200

4- 30


I put together your week based on the running, plyo, and lifting info you provided. That’s a pretty big workload. I’m not going to suggest anything against your coach’s practices because that might not be practical… but if I were you I would adjust to something like shown below.

If you think the volume of lifting is too low (it’s not), just do all your lifts harder. Think to yourself “crap, I’m only doing a few things today so I better destroy these lifts!”. I would also do ab work such as v-situps and crossover crunches (crunch up with hands behind head moving your right elbow towards your left knee and vice-versa).

Remember that if your form & conditioning are good, then your sprints & jumps will give you your top speed.

Snatch 5x3 with 1x3 box jumps after each set
Squat 4X4 with 1x6 skips after each set (if possible)
Good mornings 2X8 w/ 1x10 bounds after each set(if possible)
rows 3x8

4-150 meter build ups
2-400 meter

200, 300 , 400, 500, 400, 300, 200
Shoulder raise

4- 30
Hang clean 8x2 medium weight with 1x2 jumps in place after each set (quick rebound)
Speed squat 3x8 light(40%?) with 1 set box jumps after each set
Straight Leg Deadlift With Plyo box3X5


i think what u are all missing here that he is a freshman,i remember when i started T&F my 100 meters were in 14 seconds no i do 11 second see the diff ,so dont rush up u will improve by training

Well… you are a freshman, but a mid 12 is fairly good for a frosh where I live. I trained with this guy my soph year in between indoor and outdoor track and saw huge speed gains, using different variations of Bound’s and Jumps.

Freshman year Pr - 12.5
Soph year - 11.7

Just be careful what you do, so you dont over do it. your body is still growing fairly rapidly and you dont want to mess somthing up by working yourself to hard.

keep training hard, you’l lget out what you put into it. i went from a 13.6 to 11.6 in one season and that has dropped to an 11.3 so far and ive only run the 100 once this season. with hard work and determination you’ll achieve your goals

do you run all those at 100%, or are they all tempo

Perhaps of more concern, are these Intensive Tempo (@80-90%)? For someone lacking max velocity, I see a lot that could be intensive tempo or special endurance II (an awful lot of work volume for special endurance), but no max velocity work where you do 60’s (accelerating the first 30 and maintaining the second 30), or flying 20-30’s with a 30-50 meter lead-in.

you run just the 100… or more events? your doing alot of extra work you dont need. THe max distance of a sprint you should do is a 300 and thats only on special endurance days. Your sprinting a 100m’s why train by running 400’s and 500’s???

trying to revive an old thread, we will see how this goes…
those are some very impressive gains in one season, can you give more insight into other aspects of training