this week I’ll have 4 athletes competing for team champs in 100 and 200, sat and sun.
How can I help recover/ preparedness for the 200 on next day?
I suppose to have a long cool down after 100, AIS stretch/spine unloading and hot/cold shower.
For the next day, hot cold in the morning, then usual warm up.
[I have just basic massage skills, should I have a light slapping warming up massage before 200, or suggest some light relieving massage after 100?( or rolls on a ball, or similar…do not want to lower tone too much)
On top of what you’ve said, I’d say make sure the nutrition is really good, get in carbs quickly after the meets done + protein. A lot of sleep. Contrast showers, do 60 seconds on and 60 secs off 2-3x at the start and at the finish as well.
I would reccomend getting a stimulant in as well before races, especially day 2 where fatigue is more present.
It is possible to pulse lightly with EMS before bed. Contrast showers are a must. the supps listed are good and a bit of caffeine can help but be careful to keep sugar out. Sometimes you get a crash from the sugar at a bad time. If you have experience and have no problems with sugar in it at your usual timer- go ahead.