yes, i am mighty slow/trying to be less so

Hi CF forums, long-time lurker here, as you can tell by my registration date and post count, although I’ve lapsed on even lurking for a while. My main athletic goal for the past few years has been to dunk a basketball and it’s been a long, slow, meandering road. I travel a fair amount for work, which doesn’t help, and I love squatting to a fault, which also doesn’t help. At any rate, I can dunk anything I can comfortably palm now, hurray. (I’m 5’11.)

In the past few months I’ve started to add bounding and sprinting to my training, typically two days per week – in addition to dunk-specific stuff and some weights. The addition of sprinting has meant a de-emphasis on weights, which is a good thing for me. Weights come easier and therefore are seductive, which has turned them into a distraction in the past.

A few background things:

  1. I am slow. Never done an electrically-timed race but my hand times (stopwatch in hand, click just before first movement, second click as I’m crossing the line – yes, I know it’s inaccurate) are consistently 4.4-4.5 for 30m, 8.1-8.3 for 60m, and 13s for 100m.
  2. I very much would like to find a consistent coach or training partner. But I live in Washington, DC, where such things are scarce for adults or at least very hard to find on the internet. Know of anyone out here who sprints or, better yet, coaches adults?
  3. Despite the big drop in activity this place still has the highest concentration of sprint-focused people I’ve find on the internet, and the archives and other resources are obviously great. I have CFTS and need to re-read it as it’s been a couple of years. Given my background and lack of proficiency, any recommendations for another pickup from the store?

TLDR version, and my main question:

So, I’d like to throw it out there: Do y’all know of anyone in the DC area who is an adult sprinter? Or of a coach in the area who works with non-elite adults? All of what I’ve been able to find online is youth-focused (I’m 27) or middle-distance-to-marathon-focused. I should probably go in for bodybuilding or power lifting but god help me, I’ve decided I want to be faster.

Thanks for any and all help you are able to share.