Yardage for summer running session

In running these tempo 100’s, shouldnt they be around 75-80 percent max effort? For example skill guy would shoot for around 13-15 seconds and have around 45 seconds rest with a 1:3 work rest ratio??

On speed days I plan on using sled work and I was curious as to how many reps do you do with the sled and how many without it?

tamfb when you said Mark M are you refering to PTC? I heard he got rid of all linear tempo and does some tempo lifiting and tempo drills now? Do you know anything else about this?

i have no clue what mark m does, i was speaking of when he used CF style tempo running for football but these days he said tempo running is pointless for fb athletes.

3-6x20-30 sled
3-6x20-30 without