Xavier Carter on Trans World Sport

Guys, seriously? Just because he was at a pub or resturaunt in the video doesn’t mean that’s what he eats all the time! As for the sprite…who cares. Its just sugar water and his body composition is great, it won’t make a difference .

yeah i know, it’s just interesting to see what athletes eat, or it is to me anyway

well no actually, he was damn good at FB, and if he’d choosen FB he’d most probably have gone on to become a great player in the NFL. He still might, who know’s. Best HS wide receiver in the country his senior year HS, can you say that?

All I can hear from you is jealousy speaking-don’t feel bad if you can’t keep with him in FB, he’s probably one of the greatest athletes to ever be born. He’s versatile and would rock at almost every sport in the world.

…but your right - he made the right decision (I say that as a track fan)

I totally agree, when Trans World went to see Allen Johnson, He also ended up in a restaurant eating similar food. I think it the Trans World interview plan. You know show the athlete in training then at home either playing computer games or chilling with friends, then going out to eat. If I remember, that was the same set-up with Micheal Phelps the swim sensation.