-Was at the beach today for a few hours did my throws/tempo on the sand while I was there with a friend.
Weights Hang Clean 5x55%, 5x60%, 5x65%, 5x70%, 5x65% (80% of 1rm powerclean used as guideline) Deadlift 3x6x63% (265) Lunge 2x8 (115) Hypers 3x15 (+25)
-I’ve been using the clean grip for deadlifts as opposed to the alternating grip I’ve used in the past.
-Not much else to say really but my legs are a little tired.
Missed session due to work, other obligations. :mad:
Warm up B
2x5x40 Hill sprint (90/3 min)
Power Clean 5x140, 5x150, 5x160, 3x185, 3x175 Back Squat 3x8x210 RDL 3x12x205
-I need to either wear cleats on this grass hill or run on the asphalt surface right next to it; I slipped a few times running up the hill today in my shoes and felt like the traction wasn’t very good (grass was a tad wet too).
-FINALLY was able to use bumpers today for my cleans. What a relief.
-Back was a little sore during squats, I don’t know what my problem is but I don’t think it’s the SI joint problem I thought it was. Now I think it may be slightly strained muscle in there that has some scar tissue built up. Funny that some days hurts and other it doesn’t bother me. Need to really work on it with foam roll, tennis ball, etc. The squats aren’t hard, it’s the back pain that is frustrating to me.
-Bought some dextrose for very cheap ($11.85 for 11 lbs.) the other day to start using for PWO with my protein blend (isolate, concentrate, hyrdolysate). What is the optimal ratio for PWO? I used 40g pro/50g carb today.
I would wear cleats on the grass surface to avoid injuries. I think the ratio you are using seems good to me. I agree the squat weights are very light now so I would focus on foam rolling and make sure you do all the static and mobility work also you may try elevating your legs for 10-20mins daily.
-Trained late tonight after work. It was dark out when I did the throws/tempo but I had barely enough lights from the tennis courts nearby.
-Rested 30 seconds bt runs in the tempo runs, 100 walk bt sets.
-60 seconds rest bt bench press sets, 40-45 seconds rest for all others.
Weights Hang Clean 5x110, 5x120, 5x130, 3x145, 3x135 (80% of PC max, then 60, 65, 70, 80, and 75 percent for the reps) Deadlift 3x6x66% (275) BB Lunge 2x8 (125) Hypers 3x15 (+25)
Went really well. Weights all were fairly easy, cleans very fast/explosive. Back didn’t give me much trouble on that day so that’s a plus. Off to train in a little while for today’s session…
I agree so far the weights have felt fairly easy so I would like to see myself hit that by week 7; especially now that I have bumpers it helps out quite a bit.
Missed session, was in San Diego; went last minute. Lots of driving, went and watched the Cal Poly vs. San Diego State game (we won 29-27) and hung out with my brother who I haven’t seen for like 6 months so that was fun.
9/1/08 Speed
Warm up B
2x4x40 Hill sprints (2 min/4 min)
No weights today, gyms closed up. Gonna do my cleans tomorrow with my upper body weights.
-Got all my work done before noon, was at work 6-10 then just decided I was there (at the gym I work at), might as well get it done early. (Except for the tempo, drove back to campus to do that on the grass fb field; which is right by my house).
-The med ball throws were done on a little strip of grass outside of the facility, just enough to where it was perfect length of grass.
-Hill sprints felt really good today, much better than Monday.
-Trained after work tonight, was doin my hill sprints in the dark
-So far overall I am liking the direction I am heading!
-Supplements I am currently using on a regular basis are: Whey Protein Blend (Isolate, Hydrolysate, Concentrate), Dextrose (post workout), ZMA, Fish Oil, Multi.