WRCortese5's Training version 2.0


Sprints: 5x10, 6x20
Box Jumps 2x5
Half Squat Throw x10

1A.) Deadlift 3x242, 3x297, 10x331
2A.) 1-arm KB Clean/Press 3x5x60 lb KB
2B.) Band Pull Aparts 3x20
3A.) SS Bar GM 3x12x80
3B.) GHD Sit Up 3x20
4A.) Dip/Chins Max reps/rounds for 10 minutes of each; I think I got in 6 rounds of dips and chins in 10 minutes for max reps on each.


1A.) Sled Drags x40 yards
1B.) Sledgehammer strikes x10/side
-Non stop for 12 minutes.

2A.) Battling Rope 5x20/40
3A.) “Beach” work x10 minutes, all reps over 12; i.e. bicep/tricep/shoulder/ab work.

Long foam roll and stretch afterward.

-Just a little recovery/conditioning day today.


Sprints: 5x10, 6x20, 2x30
Box Jumps: 5x32", 5x38"
Throws: Squat Throw x10

1A.) Bench Press 3x195, 3x225, 8x250
1B.) Pull Ups 3x15
2A.) Back Squat 5x175, 5x205, 5x225
2B.) Pull Ups 3x15

3A.) DB Bench 12x85’s 12x100’s, 12x90’s, 12x85’s
3B.) 1-Arm DB Row 12x90’s, 2x12x100’s, 12x90’s
4A.) Bar Curls/Band Pushdowns x10 minutes (all reps over 10)


Sprints 6 x 20
Throws OHB x 10

1A.) Power Clean 3x145 , 3x165 , 9x187
2A.) Back Squat 3x225, 3x265, 13x290
3A.) Bench Press 5x155, 5x185, 5x210
4A.) Back Extension 3x12+45 lbs.
4B.) GHD Sit Up 3x20+15 lbs.

5A.) BS Push Ups/Inverted Rows 10 minutes x Max Reps/Rounds


Sprints 5x10, 6x20, 2x30
Squat Throw x 10
SLJ 2x5

1A.) Standing Press 5x115, 3x130, 6x150
1B.) Pull Ups 3x15
2A.) DB Bulg SS 3x6/leg (50 lb DBs)
2B.) Chin ups 3x15
3A.) Dips 4 x Max Reps (30, 20, 20, 15)
3B.) Bar Curl 4x10x75 lbs.
4A.) HLR 3x15

RIP Coach Francis…


1A.) Tire Flips 3x30 seconds
1B.) Concept2 Rower 3x200m sprint

2A.) DB Farmer’s Walk 2x50m for time, 1x~110m for time (85 lb DB’s) Done with 1 turnaround at halfway point.

3A.) Backward Sled Drag 4x40m
3B.) Sledgehammer strikes 4x12/side


-Rained, no speed work today but did some jumps in the warm ups.

1A.) Deadlift 5x275, 3x310, 9x350
2A.) Standing Press 5x95, 5x105, 5x125
3A.) DB Step Ups 3x6x55’s
4A.) Back Extension 4x15 (+45 lbs.)
4B.) GHD Sit Up 4x20 (+15 lbs)

5A.) Ring Dips/Chin Upsx 10 minutes max reps/rounds.


Just did mobility and foam roll work today.

On another note, James Smith wrote a great article on Charlie that was just published on EliteFTS.

I highly recommend everyone head over and read it! I definitely feel that Charlie has impacted the way I train athletes in such a significant way. Made me think how large of an influence that CF had on so many athletes and coaches that train for speed development! Great post, James.

I read that, great peice of work… cool picture at the end to. It’s almost eery now when i’m training CFTS and his cues are floating though my head :frowning:


-Sprints 5x20
-Lateral Line Hop 3x30

1A.) Bench Press 5x210, 3x235, 5x265
1B.) Pull Ups 3x15
2A.) Back Squat 5x175, 2x5x215
2B.) Chin Ups 3x15
3A.) DB Bench 4x10x90’s
3B.) 1-Arm DB Row 2x12x90’s, 1x25x90’s

4A.) “Beach” Work x 10 minutes, all reps over 8.

-Was shooting for 6-7 reps for 265, felt a little sluggish starting off though.


Pogo Jump 4x10
Bar Complex

1A.) Power Clean 5x153, 3x177, 7x197
2A.) Back Squat 5x245. 3x275, 11x315
3A.) Bench Press 5x155, 5x185, 5x210
4A.) KB Swings 3x12x60

5A.) Dips 2x Submax Reps (35, 21)
5B.) Chin Ups 2x Submax Reps (25, 16)

Nice squat

Thanks Kyle. I wanted 15, next time.


Lateral Line Hops 3x20
Sprints 5x10, 6x20
Box Jumps 2x8 (32")
OHB x8, Squat Throw x8

1A.) Military Press 5x105, 5x120, 9x140
1B.) Pull Ups 3x16
2A.) Back Squat 5x185, 5x205, 5x225
2B.) Chin Ups 3x16

3A.) Push Ups 3x10-15 (15+90 lbs., 12+70 lbs., 12+65 lbs.)
3B.) Bar Curls 3x10 (10x75, 2x10x85)
3C.) Dips 3x20

4A.) GHR 2x15

-A little tired today; not much of an appetite yesterday or today after drinking a little too much on Saturday. Definitely affected the session today. Live and learn! Still had a pretty decent workout overall though.


Vertical Line Hop 4x20
Squat Throw x 8
Push Press Throw x 8
Box Jump 2x5x38"

1A.) Deadlift 5x231, 5x287, 13x325
2A.) Military Press 5x95, 5x105, 5x125
3A.) BB Bulg SS 3x6/leg (115, 125, 135)

4A.) Back Ext 3x12+60 lbs.
4B.) Pikes 3x20

5A.) Dips/Chin Ups x10 minutes, amap.


Sprints 6x10, 4x20, 3x30 (3.7 on one of the 30’s)
OHB Throw x 8, BLF Throw x 8
Low Pogo Jump 2x10

1A.) Bench Press 5x185, 5x210, 9x240
1B.) Pull Ups 3x17
2A.) Back Squat 5x185, 5x215, 5x240
2B.) Chin Ups 3x17

3A.) DB Bench 3x12x90’s
3B.) 1-Arm DB Row 2x12x90, 1x25x90 (per arm)

4A.) Bar Curl x 8 (85 lbs)
4B.) Band Pushdown x 15 (Green)
4C.) Band Pull Apart x 20 (Black)
*Above circuit done for 10 minutes, I think I got in about 4 rounds.


115 lb Bar Complex, 4 rounds:
Deadlift x6
Bent Row x6
Power Clean x6
Front Squat x6
Push Press x6
Back Squat x6
Rope Skip x100

-Finished that one in about 16-17 minutes or so.
-Rested about 5 minutes after wards, then finished up with:

2A.) Banded KB Swings 5x10x60 lb KB + Red Band (~30-45 seconds rest bt sets)

3A.) GHD Sit Up 4x10+25 lbs

Didn’t plan on this one, but felt like doing something a little tough/crazy so this was that haha.


Felt like lifting heavy today, but had to keep it short. And that I did. I had a loose plan of what I wanted to do, but mainly was by feel and time constraints.

1A.) Power Clean 6x2 (135x2, 155x2, 177x2, 197x2, 207x2, 217x2)
2A.) Deadlift 3x4,4,3 (331x4, 375x4, 400x3)
3A.) Military Press 4x5 (5x95, 5x115, 5x135, 5x150)
3B.) Weighted Mixed-Grip Pull Ups 4x6, 1xMax Reps (6+50 lbs, 2x6+60 lbs., 6+70 lbs., 1x26xBW)
4A.) Jump Rope 8x20/10

Including a warm up and some low intensity jumps/throw before the workout itself, I was done in about 60 minutes.

Hello CF.com forum, it’s been a little while…

I’ve been busy with a couple new ventures that take up a majority of my time, so I’ll fill you in with what I’ve been up to lately…

1.) Graduated from Cal Poly-SLO with a B.S. Degree in Exercise Science in June, 2010.

2.) Sat (and passed) for CSCS in July, 2010.

3.) Formed LLC and was approved from state of CA.

3.) Moved back to Northern California in August, 2010.

4.) Signed lease for 1,176 sq ft warehouse space in Late September, 2010.

5.) Got keys to warehouse space October 1st, 2010, biz license approved, zoning permits cleared, all other legal/back-end/paperwork boring stuff taken care of.

6.) Opened doors to my new strength & conditioning business a couple weeks later!!

From 1 athlete in October of 2010, to close to 25 now, it gets better and better every month. I’ve wanted to do this for quite sometime and through a ton of hard work and persistence/patience/handling adversity, I was able to finally make it happen.

Most of what I have was acquired from either craigslist or eBay; some homemade (sandbags, etc), some new (gifts, online vendors). Had to literally “piece” it together but it’s coming along awesome!

I am a 1-man show for now; I just turned 25 years old and doing what most of my peers from school are not: actually working in their field of study and actually enjoying it!

I do know for sure that Charlie significantly impacted the way I train and the way I train my athletes and always will. This is really where I began the learning process. No amount of schoolwork could have come close to the education one can find in this forum if they search hard enough.

Also, I felt a little “lost” and still had the competitive spirit in me, but football and track are no longer in the cards for me (except the annual Alumni full contact football rival game, coming back in November :cool:). This left me needing something to train for. I’ve always loved the Olympic Lifts but never really have been really coached up in how to do the full lifts properly. Most of what I knew, technique-wise, was from observing many videos, reading articles/books, and practicing them over and over with what I thought was correct.

I have joined up with a local weightlifting club (40 minutes away) and train twice a week in the mornings. My goal is to compete in my first Weightlifting meet this summer in the 85kg weight class; I currently weigh about 190-191 lbs and am fairly lean… In only 3 weeks of training for the lifts, I feel better than I have in a long time and I definitely am feeling very like an athlete again.

My lifts continue to go up and my goal is to clean and jerk 125kg (275 lbs.) and snatch 91kg (200 lbs.) this year, at the same bodyweight. I think it’s doable, I have outstanding coaching and a positive mindset about it. It’s very refreshing training for something new.

I’ll try to keep this updated as best as I can to keep everyone posted.

Training from today…

Snatch Did somewhere between 7-9 sets of 1-3 repetitions, can’t remember. Did 65kg for 2 on my last set.
Split Jerk Again did 6-7 sets of 2-3 repetitions on these, working up to 75kg x 2.
Front Squat 6x60kg, 5x80kg, 4x90kg, 4x92.5kg, 4x95kg
Finished up with some lighter assistance work, all 3x10: GHR, Seated Rows, DB Bench Press, Leg Raise.

My body is still adjusting to this type of training, so all of these numbers are still fairly light and of submaximal intensity. Mainly trying to let the joints adapt before trying to push/pull anything relatively heavy for me, so another 4-6 weeks I should start cranking it up a bit.

One thing I have learned is it’s a constant battle with technical issues/adjustments/corrections and finding the right “spots” or feel, but that’s the fun part of training for the lifts.

OKAY, I’m done rambling. I’m back!

John Cortese, CSCS
Owner, CTS Strength & Conditioning

Good luck buddy…

Thanks RB34!

Trained today, nothing too crazy.

Did a bunch of hang power snatches, power cleans, back squats, chin ups, and back extensions. Kept things fairly conservative again, trained at my gym this afternoon.

Not much worth noting (light weights, working on technique) except for a decent set of weighted chin ups (4 sets total, +50 lbs for 5 reps).