I’m Chris’ training partner. To be specific, we’re in week six of Charlie’s GPP. We have just transitioned from the hills and are focused on acceleration development specifically on the track (we had to cut out the last two hill sessions due to the fact that the angles were aggravating a minor knee injury of mine). Our accels are mainly 20m at a time, stretching as far as 60m. The total meters per session ranges from 600-680 as per Charlie’s direction.
The thing is, our Sunday workouts are a joke. We easily handle speed, medball throws, and weights well below threshold. By the next speed day we’re a little beat up, which is not a problem (we may or may not finish ALL weights it depends). The final speed day absolutely kills our energy…sometimes we have to drop the weights all together. The thought that we’re doing too much creeps in and may not be reaping all the benefits of supercompensation. And yes Atletiek, with all the rest, our workouts do last over 3 hrs. But isn’t everybody’s?