Who's bum is that????

susan tiedke…

I vote for Fiona May

Yup! That’s Susen.

told you that was easy…

guess i underestimated the amount of devo’s on this site, wont be so leanient next time…

Ain’t Track grand!

well this one will get the brain thinking, no clues until tomorrow…

if you get this you are very good indeed, you wont find this on any web search it was taken on my own camera,or the 20 or so shots were taken on my camera i should say :eek: :smiley: :rolleyes:

left finger she says is married

yay 4 me :stuck_out_tongue:

The ring is no clue she was not married at this stage of her short career.

Clue number 2: her event was the 100m…

Katrin Krabbe?

Not Katrin

she was going to be next though… :frowning:

clue number 3: she is european…

My guess is Ivet Lalova

That was going to be my guess also- but post the next shot anyway as a consolation prize

How about Siina Schielke?

So she’s not still competing?

This image was taken in the mid to late 90’s.

she changed countries mid career, last time i have record of her running is 2003

Ludmila Engquist?

russian --> swedish
but don’t think she performed until 2003 :frowning: she was ‘forced’ to stop in 2001-2002

can’t find any other names

now this one has everyone stumped…

the clues will get easier but for now she is not russian come swedish at anystage of her career.

in fact i think she had a junior national record for country A then a senior record for country B.

Nora Ivanova-Guner

Top of the Class Klazoid…

rep points to you as the biggest devo on the site behind myself for starting this thread.

KK stop stealing my next options :smiley: :smiley: :mad: