who wants a project for a player with high goals?

sorry about the long subject, anyways here’s the deal-
I have participated in d1 ball and have one year remaining(eligibility) and have the greatest desire to go pro, i wanna do EVERTHING that i can to prepare myself for the next 4 months to turn some heads by fall.
Here is where i stand as of now-
MLB 6’
40time 4.8
225 bench 15 reps
vertical and shuttle (havent tested recently, but i know they aren’t great)
squat- 425x5
hang clean-275x3

so those are my numbers
Currently my training looks like this-
Mon. Weights -Power snatch 5x2
Hang clean 4x3
squat 2x5, 2x3
box squat 3x3
hamstring curls 3x8

      Running   5x 10 yard starts
                      3x flying 10's
                      3x flying  20's
                      3xflying 30's
                      4x50yard parachute runs

Tues. Weights Bench 2x5, 2x3
Jammer Machine 5sets
Incline Bench 3x5
Some light shoulder
and tricep work for my
rotator cuff

            Agilities  Agility ladder work
                          Bag drills and hurdles

Wed Some light bodybuilding
movements( pullups, curls)

          Light running (i try not to do   
           anything to taxing but end up usually doing so anyways

Thur Weights Power clean 5x2
Hang snatch 4x3
Clean pulls 3x3
Front squats 3x3
Glute ham raise 5x5
Running usually about the same as monday

Fri Weights 225lbs bench
Jammer Machine
Plyo pushup
Towel bench press
Agility ladder
Hill running-uphill,
downhill sprints-( a very taxing thing)

i also do some plyo’s during the week(depending on how my joints feel) and abdominal work

The plus is that i dont have any time restraints so i can train as much as i need to. i believe my diet to be near perfect.

Any other info you need just ask-
i am willing to do any amount of work it takes to put up nfl combine numbers and i have the time, so suggestion/advice will be extremely appriciated!

ps- im new to the forum and i love it!

im going to start of a thread of my training journal to chart my progress and help evaluate my training-if you want to follow it,its “athlete’s training journal”,under other sports

thanks xlr8- i continue to follow your progress on your thread…good luck to us both!

The acceleration days would focus on starts and up to 40 yd runs. The max velocity days would focus on flying 10’s and 20’s from a more gentle acceleration.


xlr8-thanks for the feedback.
on your recomendations you have two speed days-one acceleration and one max velocity. what would be the distinction between the two(excercises)?

Originally posted by athlete
thanks for your input-ill be making some changes because after a month of that training schedule i defentely feel like im overtraining.
ill be on your link(xlr8) checking it out too, since it looks like we have the same goals-making an impact at the combines.
-you recommend i do my tuesday weights on monday, my monday weights on wed.,and my thurs. weights on friday-?

You can work it whichever days are best for you. Basically, allow a tempo day between every speed/high CNS stress day. So, you can do something like this:
Monday: Speed (acceleraton) and weights
Tuesday: Tempo
Wednesday: Agility and weights
Thrusday: Tempo
Friday: Speed (max velocity) and weights
Saturday: Tempo
Sunday: Rest

Good luck!


Originally posted by athlete
if you feel that the parachute runs are a waste of time, can some light sled work be beneficial-if proper mechanics are focussed on?

I personally do sled work once in a while (I just did some last Sunday!) I find that it is good to alternate with unweighted work. When you first run pulling a weight, you learn to apply more force to overcome the resistance, then when you run unloaded, you feel more explosive. Just keep the weight reasonably light so that it doesn’t mess up your mechanics too much,


Parachute runs are a waste of time. The chute flaps all over the place behind you and screws up your mechanics.

if you feel that the parachute runs are a waste of time, can some light sled work be beneficial-if proper mechanics are focussed on?

i forgot to mention i do alot of flexibility work as well

you forgot to mention what sport?

I’m assuming MLB = Middle Linebacker …therefore, American Football!


squat- 425 x 5
hang clean- 275 x 3
40 - 4.8

with your strength numbers as high as they are, your 40 should not be that slow. we know acceleration and the first 10 y are mostly influenced by strength, with that said, your top speed seems to really be suffering. clemson/xlr8, can you guys expand on this?
also, check xlr8’s planning for the pro combine. between that thread and this site, you have everything you need.

yes, american football is my sport, sorry for not expanding on that. do you really feel that the JAMMER machine is that useless?
i find it to help tranfer your pressing motions to more of a football like motion with a hip extention.

also espn3-
im pretty sure about your assesment of my top speed/explosiveness. on the field playing “within the box” and my first few steps are always quick, but i guess my strength isnt tranfering to speed, just explosiveness

High goals,
Go to any regional FB combines in your area. Get an idea of what you are up against. ESPN has a listing of previous combine results. See if these are goals you can achieve. Be realistic to yourself. I am a Louis Simmons, among others fan. Always think explosive in everything you do.

i think given 1)my present numbers
2)my work ethic
3)my current time table
that i am definetely capable of my goals, i just have to expand on my knowledge and fullfil my potential by constantly getting better


Here are my comments on your training plan. You can also check out my combine thread to see how I have put a 6 month plan together and how it is working in the real world. Overall, I would agree with nightmare’s assessment. Given your strength levels, you 40 time should be much better. I would love to see 10 and 20yd splits. I am guessing that you are probably losing most of your time in the final 20 although there could be start technique isses as well.

Originally posted by athlete
sorry about the long subject, anyways here’s the deal-
I have participated in d1 ball and have one year remaining(eligibility) and have the greatest desire to go pro, i wanna do EVERTHING that i can to prepare myself for the next 4 months to turn some heads by fall.
Here is where i stand as of now-
MLB 6’
40time 4.8
225 bench 15 reps
vertical and shuttle (havent tested recently, but i know they aren’t great)
squat- 425x5
hang clean-275x3

so those are my numbers
Currently my training looks like this-
Mon. Weights -Power snatch 5x2
Hang clean 4x3
squat 2x5, 2x3
box squat 3x3
hamstring curls 3x8

      Running   5x 10 yard starts
                      3x flying 10's
                      3x flying  20's
                      3xflying 30's
                      4x50yard parachute runs

Since your focus needs to be on speed development, prioritize your training that way. Do you running first, then hit the weight room. You may have some trouble hitting the same numbers, but don’t sweat it, you need to develop your speed. Instead of hamstring curls, I would probably substitute stiff leg deadlifts or good mornings since they work the hamstring’s hip extension function which is more relevant to sprinting.

Tues. Weights Bench 2x5, 2x3
Jammer Machine 5sets
Incline Bench 3x5
Some light shoulder
and tricep work for my
rotator cuff

            Agilities  Agility ladder work
                          Bag drills and hurdles

Move your upper body work to Monday. You may need to drop the volume of everything a bit, but while doing a split routine may help your muscular fatigue, it means that you are stressing your CNS every day which is not a good thing. I would move the agility work to Wednesday and just do tempo runs (<75% intesity) and calesthenics for recovery purposes on Tuesdays.

Wed Some light bodybuilding
movements( pullups, curls)

          Light running (i try not to do   
           anything to taxing but end up usually doing so anyways

You can move your agility work here. I’m not a big fan of ladder work, but whatever you do, go all out and get full recovery between reps. Then hit the gym afterwards and do a workout similar to Monday.

Thur Weights Power clean 5x2
Hang snatch 4x3
Clean pulls 3x3
Front squats 3x3
Glute ham raise 5x5
Running usually about the same as monday

Since you have effectively moved this to Wednesday, I would do another tempo day here, just like Tuesday.

Fri Weights 225lbs bench
Jammer Machine
Plyo pushup
Towel bench press
Agility ladder
Hill running-uphill,
downhill sprints-( a very taxing thing)

Again, move the running before the weights, make this a pure speed day. Work on flying 10’s and 20’s since that is your weakness. Drop the hill running (especially the downhill stuff) and focus on getting into a good sprint position and stepping over.

i also do some plyo’s during the week(depending on how my joints feel) and abdominal work

This is fine. Put them after the sprints and before the weights. Focus on exercises that keep the ground contact time short.

The plus is that i dont have any time restraints so i can train as much as i need to. i believe my diet to be near perfect.

Since you have as much time as you need, don’t neglect to do extensive warmups, cooldowns and static stretching (after your workouts). Also don’t forget your recovery modalities. Spend lots of time on the massage table if possible and in the sauna, whirlpool, etc.

Note that this plan assumes three high intensity days per week. That is a lot. You have the hours, so time shouldn’t be a problem, but your danger is overtraining. If you find that you are not able to recover, then drop down to two. You will do yourself much more good by making sure that when you go to run for speed that you are fully recovered and able to train at your max. If you are not, then you have to ask yourself what is the point in going out? At best you will be training at slower movement patterns. At worst you will get injured.


thanks for your input-ill be making some changes because after a month of that training schedule i defentely feel like im overtraining.
ill be on your link(xlr8) checking it out too, since it looks like we have the same goals-making an impact at the combines.
-you recommend i do my tuesday weights on monday, my monday weights on wed.,and my thurs. weights on friday-?