White Men CAN Jump

Wow. I just asked Randy Huntington and he says isokinetics are “of no value”. Interesting since he did work for Keiser for years…

I was wrong - his VJ went from 28 to 35!!!

from him

Well before isokinetic machines my VJ around 28 inches. I could dunk (only
barely though) off one foot but only touch the rim with no running. And
after 12 weeks of Iskokinetics training… well you saw the clip, my vj was
35in. I felt my running jump improved even more. Just one day I bounced the
ball and was chocked that I could actually do a reverse dunk like in the clip. It was the best feeling ever. And I could also dunk off 2 feet with 2 hands afterwards as well (I could only grab the rim like that before).

Yeah computer controlled. It was 2 sessions per week (plus the basic weight
training 2-3 times per week). We used the following exercises leg
extension/curl one leg at a time. We used the multi-exercises station to do
jump squats. Side abs machine where you twist left and right. And finally
the multi station to do push/pull bench/row, incline press/row or military
In all exercises we would do 5-6 sets and start with a relatively high
resistance, then decrease each set to finish with a very high speed set.
Each set consisted of 8-12 reps (heavy-light).

It’s pretty much these machines http://www.arielnet.com/Main/adw-40.html ,
other than they were cybex and that you don’t want to leave the bench
between your legs when you do squat jumps… lol

LOL my gym has a full set of Keisier gas/hydralic machines with power/force meters

might have to put the leg one to use, start with high resistance and slow speed, get a peak power value, then every 2 weeks lower the resistance and maintain the force/power reading…etc

once you can do the high speed settings with the same peak force/power levels, your more explosive :cool:

while keeping up with my waveloaded squats, cleans, paused GMs onto toes, and jumping. Should do some good me thinks if sequenced properly

one good thing about these machines is the lack of ballistic eccentric force, and the isokinetic loading, so you can really power them mega hard to get the recruitment aspect as far as the concentric aspect goes

I feel the gains are mostly neural - teach your CNS to utilise your raw material in a forceful full ROM manner, but without the drawback and “wear and tear” of regular explosive methods

I trained at Fast-Twitch when I was a sophmore in high school. I found it extremely helpful for improving jumping ability, not so much sprinting ability though. After six weeks on the program I probably gained 3 inches on my vertical and was dunking.

hes henry bekkering

heres another video of him