its in the bit between my ass and my leg. i dont think its hamstring. if i do a bent leg hamsrting stetch it hurts or if i try and extend my left leg fully, which means i can go no faster than a jog. is it a muscle pull? i’ve been out for about 2 weeks so far and i think its getting better but very slowly.
Upper hamstring or glute-hamstring tendon tear?
If so what can i do? atm im jsut resting from training and playing some very gentle football (soccer) at school - just jogging slowly and kicking the ball occasionally and i make sure that it doesnt hurt.
Chances are there’s a reason this occurred. Go to the chiropractor and massage therapist. If you don’t feel instantly better from a chiro adjustment then the root may lie in massage or strengthening of the muscle. I noticed a rash of lowerbody injuries when I strayed away from the chiropractor for a period of time. Check the self-chiropractic thread.