whats a good 40yd dash time for a 14 year old

2 months ago mine was 5.2

I ran 4.8 hand time in 7th grade. And ran 4.4 hand time frosh yr of college at camp.

it depends on your position, but id say for a freshman if thats legit at all(and depending on ur training age, what youve been doing in training, etc) its OK.

When I was 14 that was exactly what I ran, so if you want to be at my speed then you’re doing fine :wink:

I ran my first 40 in 7th grade (5.2); 9th grade came and ran 4.9 handtimed; 10th grade- 4.75 ht; 11th grade- 4.67 ht; 19 years old now and have managed to run 4.55 handtimed… It’s all the in the start now for me, I gotta get that down. But just keep workin hard and the times will go down. Bring your strength up, that helped big time.

Jeez, either you guys were all fast when you were younger or I was really slow. My 40yd dash development (they’re all handtimes):

13- 6.2
14- 6.0
15- 5.3
16 (now) - 4.8

Summer before Freshman year 6.4
Summer Before Sophmore year 5.5
Summer Before Junior Year 5.2
I need to step my game up

4.9 my freshmen year and 4.6 this year, handtime, hoping for 4.3-4.4 next year

what is your time right now

5.2 when I was 14 was my last time I actually timed it, I’d guess it’s around 4.8-4.9