What ZMA brands are ok?

Thanks Lorien,

Well back to the initial part of this thread I have just gotten myself some Prolab ZMA. On the label it says "ZMA is a registered trademark of SNAC Systems Inc." And I checked the formula and it matches one given by Tom Green on another thread so I am pretty confident this is the correct formula.

I got this at a GNC in Toronto. I am no longer wary about the testosterone but just want to confirm that this Prolab ZMA is safe to take. I have heard about some Prolab supplements containing Nandrolone. Any truth to this or am I safe?

Thanks guys.

it does the exact opposite for me.especially if i mess around and take a nap before taking it.

I’ve heard that from a few people. I think they best method is to take it right before bed and not earlier.

I remember reading that it can have adverse affects on those with high sensitivity to B vits - and the reccomenedation was to reduce the dose to 2 cabs.