What would be a good time for a 15 year old?

But I’m not really interested in buying anything and also I’m far from an elite level sprinter…

Angela, I will have a look at Poject Jane but I had some more questions.

I don’t have access to a athletics track near me at the moment so would it be fairly accurate if I used a full football (or soccer which ever one you call it) pitch/ field to time a 100m?

Also, would it help if I lost a few more pounds? I was aiming to be 65kg/ 143lbs by the end of this year.

What would the BMI of a sprinter be? I checked mine online and it was 23 for now.

We do all our tempo ( slower runs relative to sprints) on Football and or soccer fields and love working on grass.
Again, I would not focus on timing but it sounds like you need or want to time yourself and I respect that. In fact I love timing and counting my runs, times etc as it supplies me with data to learn more about my training at any given point in time. So if you time your runs keep in mind they are training runs only.
I also understand you not wanting to buy anything but at some point you will reach a point of needing self guidance thru proper information ( I would argue you need regardless of who you work with) or a great coach who guide you.
No one can properly advise you on the weight loss as it pertains to training because you eventually will aim for a weight to strength ratio. One you are far from the end of your growing period, two you just lost an incredible amount of weight and three you are only just beginning some form of regular exercise.
help me here someone I am a bit brain dead at the moment BMI?

Body mass index

kg / m (squared)

BMI would be hard to base because sprinters tend to be fairly muscled. In fact, i think Ben’s weight for '88 made him “overweight” which couldn’t be further from the truth.

I really think you want to make an exception and buy charlie francis traning system, and/or buy speed trap or visit your local library (may have it).
I very seriously reccomend this ^ ^

Thanks for all the feedback guys.

This must be one of the best forums I’ve ever been to! Infact every reply has helped me in some way!

When/ If I do time a 100m, I will try to post it up on here.


I doubt they have it here in the UK.

The problem is I don’t think I can persuade my parents to buy these for me. Personally I would but you know what teenagers are like; BROKE! :stuck_out_tongue:

They have it everywhere where there is internet, it is a downloadable pdf. Just click on the online store link at the top of the forum page. The store only sells video and pdf downloads. Charlie Francis Training System was my first purchase and is nice because it covers pretty much everything. GPP Essentials is also good and if you’re just starting you’d probably need to do more general preperation work.

Christmas is coming up!

CFTS Ebook
just over £12

GPP Essentials download
under £25

lol im a teenager myself, 16 years old.
they arent expensive man, just get CFTS if you cant get anything else, christmas time anyway ?

I don’t celebrate Christmas as I’m Buddhist. :slight_smile:

I ment is it possible to buy these books or any other suggestions in book-stores or even Amazon.co.uk?

Not saying I don’t trust this website but more likely to buy it if it was on Amazon or a book-store like the WHSmith.

Do you realize that Charlie Francis is the author of these books, and that this is his website? He sells his stuff in electronic format, rather than through printed books.

Go to http://www.charliefrancis.com/store/Scripts/default.asp

Yes I did! :smiley:

I looked for speed trap in WHSmith and found it at £6.99. But I can’t seem to find Charlie Francis Training System which interested me more.

If I can’t find it, I might have to buy it here.

But for alternatives, would thesebe ok:



I dont understand why you cant buy it here…
many many people including myself have bought it on here, its an ebook and you can get it right away basically, on your computer.

It’s hard to explain.

I want to buy CFTS but my parents wouldn’t understand why I’d spend $19.99 dollars/ £12.24 for an e-book.

So I guess I might have to do without it. :frowning:

EDIT: Is CFTS £12.24 with the special holiday savings?

15?Just witnessed 3 days ago the new italian record for this age group over 60m indoor…7"12…not bad!

yeah ok brain dead as I said.
experts also said his start was bad?
who cares about bmi
how fit are you , how strong etc…
kick_start45… just start with basic stuff dude. We have given you lots and now you need to get to work.
keep us posted and good luck.

There is no site anywhere that offers as much good information at as low a price when you factor in the forum.
Ask mom and dad if they have heard of copyright laws?
No person is authorized to sell any of my husband’s intellectual property except this site.
I rub Budda’s belly every chance I get! We all need luck.

Hey Guys,

Firstly, hope you all had a great christmas.

Here in the UK, it was snowing, A LOT, which didn’t give me a chance to time a 100m. Most of the snow has melted but there are still patches of ice around. So instead I’ve been doing some research. I found some good sites in elitetrack.com and pponline.co.uk. They had some interesting and useful articles on sprinting.

I was also on the lookout for athletics clubs near me. And the nearest one to me is 9 miles away. I’m still undecided on that though…

Today, I went to the near football/ soccer field and tried to time a few 100m sprints. But the field was literally frozen and despite, I rather foolishly, went ahead and ended up slipping! :stuck_out_tongue:

While on my way back home, I was disappointed but then I decided to get atleast a few times. The road I chose was approximately 85-90m. It was concrete and a little slippery. I only had one attempt.

From a standing position, I timed 10.95 for that distance. Since it was hand-timed, I added 0.24- 0.30 which leaves the time at around 11.19- 11.25. Not overly impressed but I don’t think it’s too bad for my skill and the conditions.

From that is it possible to workout/ predict a time for the 100m on a synthetic track with proper warm-up and equipment?

In the IAAf somewhere, hand timing gets rounded up to nearest 10ths.

87.5m, 11’ 100m - 12.6’

Maybe 12mm needle spikes with a inbuilt spike heater would increase traction,

I doubt it is worth the stress worring about it

Thanks Sady. Even though it’s only a prediction, 12.6 wouldn’t be too bad. Someone I know who does athletics and is the same age as me ran the 100m in 12.4 with training.

Again, I want to thanks everyone for their advice and suggestions. However, I apologize that they have gone to waste. Even though I love sprinting, when I think about it, I realise that sprinting just isn’t my thing. :frowning:

Hopefully, in the future I can change my mind.