what to do for soleus strain?

I have a question…

On a Sunday, 2 days before my daughter strained her soleus, she had a bad fall doing “resistive” box jumps using a 24" box and a verti-max… I know, I know, after it happened it dawned on me not the safest thing to be doing.
She did not land on the top of the box and landed midway on her shins on the top edge of the box, causing scrapes, bruising and swelling and a lot of pain.

On Tuesday, 2 days later at the meet, her shins were still very sore, scraped/black/blue, slightly swollen and still healing. She also noticed on the same day of the meet when she injured her soleus, that the same leg as her injured soleus, a large area of the shin is “numb”. This same area is still numb, and her calf is somewhat tender to the touch. The past 2 days is the first running, she has been running slow, small circuit, today bike and upper body weights.

Could the nerves of the shin being temporarily damaged have something to do with the light pain she still feels in her calf?

Also, I just noticed this thread should be in the “Injury” Forum… could the Administrator please move this thread ?