we have a rope attached to the tyre and at the and of the rope an inner bicyle tyre
dont have any problem with the tyre pushing around the neck and it doesnt hurt neither for me,
pic shows how its done, mind that the tyre goes behind the neck and not in front of the throat only neg. side is the black armpits you get from it
I understand how you would loop it, just doing that over the long run, I think would effect your neck in a bad way. Maybe the bike tire, being it is flexible, might be ok to use, but still don’t like the idea of doing that in the long run. I think just simply tieing the tire up on either side, and the looping that rope through the two straps of a back pack would be a better idea, and safer.
the best way i have found when using the tire pull method is to use a bicycle tube,tie off your rope in the centre leaving you with 2 loops.simple put one arm into each loop.***the weight of the tyre must not have too great resistance
I see what you are saying. That isn’t a bad idea either. Actually, probably a better idea than the back pack one. Thanks for the information.
Also, how big or heavy should the tire be? Does it really matter? Basically, would any regular used tire do the job?
we use a normal used inner tyre from a bicycle, it works very well, just check it from time to time as the flexibility dissapears and they can cut into pieces when you start, you dont want to hit the ground like this
I’m probably going to go with the bicycle tire one, but not the way your describing it. The way the other poster posted it seems safer. Where you tie off the rope in the middle of the tire tube, and it makes two loops, similar to back pack straps.
whatever the lenght just make sure the tire isn’t bobbing off the ground.it must slide along the surface causing friction.normally if its too short it will start to lift and go airborn