I got some offers… I got some offers for porns too :rolleyes:
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

… that’s not all that’s flexible

haha, lol, tis funny

Have a look at

I know about it … I just wasn’t sure what his opinons were on it


A good coach will bail you out of jail,

A truly great coach will sit next to you and say “Man, we f*cked up.”

nearly threw up on my screen when i saw that. cant believe all that commercial bull.

IMHO there is nothing wrong with maximizing income and Ryan Lee provides a way for people to do that. My concern is when people view that as their dominant involvement in ‘coaching’. If someone is talented and savvy enough to make a lot of dollars out of hands on coaching good on them. I would like to think though they still had the goodness of spirit to offer their services to some people who need it for free. Coaching is fundamentally about giving not receiving.

from a comercial point of view, it looks pretty good. it looks to cover a lot of areas for the average joe. Not just what to be olympians.
if what your looking for is not there, im sure he will devise of something soon to fill that void.
i know nothing about the guy, but i bet he helps, Indirectly, a lot of people to get fit, loose fat and be more active?

Having a large number of successes must surely also imply having a small number injured and maintaining a large group on a good program will imply also that some within it will perform at a high level eventually. Perseverence cannot be underestimated.

My aim as a coach is to help develop the perfect person.

Most of the athletes can’t make a living out of the sport, so I want them to work on there education, love there family and friends and train hard.

I recently took on some athletes as there strength coach and they all said “we weren’t sure about this, but your practical knowledge is good and you don’t pretend to know all the answers but you provide a response which seems well thought out”

Which makes me pretty happy.

I haven’t coached elite athletes, that in itself is a different skill.

I’m probably the coach who is in jail after bailing my athletes out of trouble at the night club.

I love it when the kids leave the gym and their parents tell me they can’t wait to come back.

I also like the fact that I set GPA standards (Honour Roll) for the kids and they don’t even blink.

I like the fact that I get paid for this. I would do it for free if I had no bills.

I also like it when kids go to try out for team (ice hockey) they usually impress the fitness trainer from the team.

I love that the kids know when they come to the gym the environment is positive and they can come away from every workout having learned something. Even if it’s music trivia !!!

Music trivia, that’s great. I do that too.

A certain “big name” trainer requires that you have coached an athlete to an olympic gold to be his considered his highest level. Seriously, how stupid is that. My swimmer will more than likely medal in the near future (think positive thoughts :smiley: ), that doesn’t mean I’m any better than if I didn’t work with her. I wouldn’t work with or for anyone who judges success that backwards.

I recall seeing that :rolleyes:

Is that the same coach who works with the olympic long jumper and has taken a few inches off his jump??? :smiley:

Is that the same coach who works with the olympic long jumper and has taken a few inches off his jump? But…but his upper body looks great! :smiley:

In all honesty I can’t recall who it was but have a feeling it was Poloquin but may be wrong, it was one of those ‘yeah whatever’ :rolleyes: articles where I feel like sending an account for the 10 minutes of my life that was just wasted :stuck_out_tongue:

You need to coach an Olympic champ to be considered a highest level coach by this Wizard?
How stupid is that? More to the point, how stupid are you if you buy into this nonsense?
When the “Big Time” trainer coaches a Gold Medallist himself, and that doesn’t mean consulting for a weekend seminar, then I’m listening. Otherwise, it’s all Bullshit!
BTW, what coach who’s risen to the level of coaching a silver medallist would give a hoot whether anyone like that approves or not??

I understand you’ve started an elite trainer/coach certification program. How is yours better than the seemingly thousands that are currently in existence?

CP: Wherever I went to give seminars, people would tell me they were certified in this or that…it got kind of irritating because people would say stuff like, “When you squat, don’t allow your kneecaps to go beyond your knee.” Well hell, when you walk up the steps you do that every day.

People are so afraid of training…they’re so geared towards safety that the type of training they recommend doesn’t do anything! Or you have the really obscure certification programs where you drink your own piss as part of the course. I’m not kidding! We gave this seminar in Ireland and that’s what a guy told us. We said you have got to be kidding me, and he said, “No, it’s part of the course!”

So, I decided I’m going to do a certification program that’s based not only on knowledge, but results. Mine is the only one that does that. In order to get a level five certification, you have to have strength-coached an Olympic medalist.

For level 1 and 2, I give you the tools to start producing, but by level 3 you have to get an athlete to compete successfully at the National level. A level 4 requires that you take someone to the International level, and level 5 is the Olympics or World Championships.

I have five level-5 guys.


Guys Rip on CP pretty good on this site. When I first started training I read everything he wrote I could get my hands on and I really learned a lot.

Since I’ve been using the CFTS I can really see where he kinda goes all little too far towards the hypertrophy thing.

It’s also pretty easy to get Gold medals in the olympics when you train 2-3 Canadian Olympic hockey players. He has coached quite a few speed skaters as well.