What does it mean if I can't keep my upper back straight ?

Who said you’re losing tenths? I don’t even think you would sprint like this in a race. Like I said, you don’t do it in any other videos. This video itself is pretty worthless in that context (not being how you run in your races).

I think your centre of gravity is moving up and down too much so you’re losing groung under your feet and therefore have to compensate by bendig your upper back to accelerate faster.

thanks for all the comments.
Here’s a 35lbs tire start… sorry for the winding, tried to pre stretch the rope before I left.


Self analysis - My hips were too high here- Perhaps a lighter tire

Looks a lot better. I don’t see the hips being too high at all. Like I said before, if you actually try you aren’t going to sprint like you did in that previous video. With a 35lb tire, it is hard to not put in some effort and still sprint and it shows with the cleaned up technique. I’d still work that arms a bit more aggressively and not force the head down (ie come up more naturally), but overall it looks better.

The same way vertical jumps hit the quads more.
If you didnt know, he is like Dunk Champ something like 3yrs in a row!
Im not saying the glutes n hammies are taken completly out of the picture, its just the Quads start doing too much of the work. His hips appear rotated too much also, bringing Quads into action more.
Its hard to tell on his video, however, he is not getting Full Hip involvement - Esp after viewing some footage taken only 1wk ago! Really good hip drive.
Without doubt, he is tight (esp comparing his last wks video, which isnt here) and also Mentally thinking too much which has been stated.
Once you loosen up Silencer, and get back to how you were feeling just 1wk ago, SWEET :). Are you due for a de-load wk yet??
The video posted (at the start) should be forgotten about, and the one from last wk should be Looked at as being Fantastic.
And compare that with Last yrs running form! The difference is like night and day. Even the footage you put up here is light yrs better than last yrs!
Your going to have a good season.

That 35lb pull seems too heavy, look like it’s slowing you down tooo much.

That actually doesn’t make any sense at all, but continue.

If you didnt know, he is like Dunk Champ something like 3yrs in a row!
Im not saying the glutes n hammies are taken completly out of the picture, its just the Quads start doing too much of the work. His hips appear rotated too much also, bringing Quads into action more.
Its hard to tell on his video, however, he is not getting Full Hip involvement - Esp after viewing some footage taken only 1wk ago! Really good hip drive.
Without doubt, he is tight (esp comparing his last wks video, which isnt here) and also Mentally thinking too much which has been stated.
Once you loosen up Silencer, and get back to how you were feeling just 1wk ago, SWEET :). Are you due for a de-load wk yet??
The video posted (at the start) should be forgotten about, and the one from last wk should be Looked at as being Fantastic.
And compare that with Last yrs running form! The difference is like night and day. Even the footage you put up here is light yrs better than last yrs!
Your going to have a good season.

He isn’t running 100% in the video you analyzed and most of your analysis here doesn’t line-up with the video or research. I’ll post more if necessary, but it has been covered ad naseum here and elsewhere.

Try a longer rope, too, to avoid tire bouncing.

Im not surprised at all by your lack of understanding!
Here, read this Its just a Taste of what im talking about. It takes more than just one article to fully know, i hope you realize.

He is going 100% effort in that video, but not 100% speed, for the reasons i outlined before in previous post, if you dont remember, (tightness)

He hasnt posted up one of His runs from last wk, so naturally you wont understand some of what im talking about, It was only taken 1wk ago, (like i said before) and it puts to shame this last video (which is still OK esp compared to last Yrs runs, but sucks compared to Last wks)

All being said, A few days of active recovery, some therapy (even just self therapy) and we shall see the Man here running some much better efforts thats for sure.

Rope length, i agree, get some more Meters on it. And i think, instead of reducing weight, Just focus on them hips more, if that dont work, then reduce weight. Im sure your strong enough to handle the weight of the sled, its just a technique thing that will come with mental thought/focus and practice.

Videos could be a good Wk to wk Analysis if you got the time to post em up?

An article from KellyB isn’t the most convincing thing in the world. Again, he is running submax in the video in both effort and speed, which is why he runs much different in the sled video (he can’t run submax if he has to pull a heavy tire like that).

I’ve seen dozens of videos of Silencer’s running. I understand what is going on. I can also say there is no such thing as “quad” running. In the video with the sled, where he is running maximally, and in his race videos, he is clearly getting hip extension and using his glutes and hamstrings. If anything should have been noted from his submax video, it should have been primarily his excessive curving of the neck and upper back, which will put a large strain and stretch on the hamstrings (and put his pelvis out of position) and likely lead to a hamstring or adductor strain if he started to push it.

Where is it said the 1st video is submax? Actually, it is submax, cause its a Start! If he is going Max speed in that, then he has issues!
he is trying as much as he is trying in the Video i have seen from Last wk Which is a far better Form.

And where did i say he is running 100% Quad?? Re-read the post where i say “Im not saying the glutes n hammies are taken completly out of the picture,” In case english is not your 1st language (there are ppl on here where it is not, you are perhaps one of them??) What that means is Hammies and Glutes are working but also with the added extra assistance of Quads.
Now that is a course for disaster with muscle pull around the corner. (OH wait, last season there was a hammie issue)

Now the video from LAST wk (now for you Fogolson, this is not one that is up on this thread, just so you know) shows full Hip Extension, shows really nice hip alignment and as such, his upper back is not curved. Yes his head is down, but not his upper back like the 1st video ON THIS THREAD. It shows what excellent running technique should look like.

He can and does run proper, just not in the 1st video with the rounded back (not talking about the sled pull, that has other issues). The rounded back is due to tightness, starting with HIP alignment which is causing his upper back to round. Neither which is ideal. A front view to see if he is even Rotating would be good too, but we don’t so cant comment, other than to say, i bet it maybe is a lot less than it normally is. Oh yeah, i do agree, if this was his normal technique day in day out, then eventually an injury is in order. Lucky its not :slight_smile:

Hopefully next wk, when he is running a lot less tight, and more free (around the hips and even his back) and he posts up a video,(if he does?) not only will you see better hip drive, the issue of the upper back will be gone! (though the head might be down? but its not an issue)

When there is an over loading of one muscle antagonist shortening of the muscle can occur and inhibition of the antagonist is apparent (reciprocal inhibition)

The problem with this is, and any movement that involves these muscles that are inhibited, will mean a corresponding increase in workload for the synergistic muscles.

For most athletes who follow mainly Anterior dominant programs there is an over load for the hip flexors and an inhibition of the glutes which results in the hamstrings taking even more workload when there is hip extension or antagonistic firing for hip flexion.

This is a simple process to avoid by ensuring that the hip flexor remain adequately flexible and one begins to work on Posterior Strength exercises.

As i said, he looked tight - “Hip Flexers”. He comes from a Quad dominant workout program that has vastly changed the last 6months, however, from time to time, for a little while, even if just slightly, the Anterior muscles will want to do some of the work, causing tightness.

Its nothing to worry about so long as one realizes whats going on, and warms up the required areas that get tight a bit more before sessions like this. Sometimes, spending just a few minutes with a foam roller as part of one’s warm up does Wonders.

I will for sure take more videos from front and side in high speed when it’s sunny… (Tomorrow maybe ? Im doing accels and split 60’s)
I have a related question - should I even mess with squats at all ? Or just stick to posterior chain lifts ?

My quad is enormous ( I mean seriously, it’s “bodybuilder” big ) My hamstring is also quite large, but not as large as my quads. What do you think ?

I am trying not to get confused here, for now I am just thinking "stay loose with therapy, don’t be lazy with the arms "

I would just forget this entire thread ever happened. :smiley:

Bold, your posts amuse me. Please continue.

Silencer, just run like you were before you started overthinking things recently. It just takes a lot of work + time + recovery. No secrets.


Be a Better athlete and Therapy up, loosen up, Then Run!!

Im glad all they do is Amuse you! Fail to learn from them if you wish, but please, dont Ask me Q’s again if all you want to do is get angry or try to start up arguments. You just make yourself appear arrogant and foolish. And you do a good enough job at that yourself without bringing me into it. I have better things to do. However, others have learned, so not all is lost :slight_smile:

Alright heres another 30m block start from today:
Following that thread I:

  1. Made sure I squeezed the glutes hard to create forward motion
  2. tied a longer rope to the tire (oh but that isn’t on that film, soon i’ll upload)
  3. TRIED to watch my head position… What I did this time is I rolled my eyeballs upwards to look a few meters ahead instead of on my hips …

Are we progressing here ?


Are these block starts full speed? You need to be more explosive out of the blocks.