We are experiencing this at the moment. You aren’t going to get quality in any type of sprinting over about 30m whilst doing a max strength cycle. Speed work can actually be quite dangerous unless you have a fantastic regeneration program.
Number2, you mentioned that the volume of speed is increased during a maintenance phase, but in the diagrams of the E-Book it seems to show that the volume is actually lower in the maintenance phase than during most of the max strength phase?
im bumping this up as im having hard time understanding this. So it would be like if i had 300-360m of intense speed work per session for the 3 weeks then 200-250m of intense speed work in the unloading week then back to 300-360m of intense speed work per session.
After that in the maintenance phase you keep the speed volume the same 300-360m but adjust it so that the intensity is more on the higher end so instead of 20s and 30s put more emphasis on 50s and 60s with full recovery?
What about for someone that doesnt lift weights or does but uses only one lift, other are just bodyweight exercises, how would you put that in the mix?