We've come full circle: 1988 vs 2008

It’s almost 20 years since Soeul. Today Lightning Bolt set the world of track on fire. Everything has come full circle:

Both Bolt and Ben:

  1. Win by a mile
  2. Set World Records
  3. Defeat great opponents
  4. Celebrate before crossing the line
  5. Are sponsored by “small” brands (puma and diadora)
  6. Peak for the Olympics and astonish as a result.
  7. Share the same coach from an early age
  8. Look invincible!

8 great similarities, lets make sure it stays at 8.
(though why was ben sponsored by a smaller brand and why is bolt sponsored by a a brand as small as puma and not Nike/Adidas?

With the exception of Bolt thinking ‘hey I’d like to give the 100m a shot’ only a year shy of the day he molests the commonly accepted vision of 100m speed potential.

i’d really like to know about this also…in 87/88 carl lewis switched from nike to a little known mizuno but the rewards where far better for him with mizuno during that period.i do know that his manager said to mike powells agent during the 91WC long jump that powells victory cost lewis $1m in prize money

charlie,do you know why ben stuck with diadora and not change to a more major brand?? (its money of course but was there anything else?)

Mizuno is the largest sports co in the world- or at least was and Ben was with Adidas but Diadora paid him 4 million

mizuno in 88 wasn’t really popular in track and field.as you said adidas,nike,etc etc were the dominant co’s

Misuno is mostly baseball