Wes Welker to the Patriots

The Patriots continue to build a championship team by signing a versatile receiver/kick returner. This guy is extremely fast. I can’t believe Miami was only gonna offer him a million bucks for next season. This is why New England is a Superbowl contender year after year… because they know what they’re doing.


I love watching this guy play, he is so fast for a white guy. He is the perfect threat as a slot receiver. If the patriots get Randy Moss along with Welker then they will be loaded at WR. They already have good WR’s anyways. Caldewell, Gabriel, Jackson, and one other veteran I cant remember.


Yeah, he is fast and he is white. It kind of inspires me and I think… most white people in general, to see a guy like that out there with breakaway speed. Even though it sounds kinda racial…

His speed can be used in many positions. When you have an unreal athletes like that Belichick will be able to use him in many situations.

Gabriel got sent back to Oakland at the end of the season from NE.

Welker is the man, I love watchin him play.

they gave too much up for a player of his talent level.

There has been quite few fast white receivers in this modern era of football. Kevin Curtis and Brandon Stokely are still looking for a team. Both of these players fit well in their old team’s offense. Kevin Curtis can fly, and probably faster than Welker.

curtis ran fast at the combine but welker was a 4.5-4.6 guy.

Don’t forget Tim Dwight in his younger days. He’s a track guy at heart with some nice times in HS and college.

Also was an andrenaline junkie (bungee jump, white water raft. surfing, etc), then stopped and his career went to crap. He didn’t want to get hurt after he got paid big bucks.

Dwight is only 5’9 I think. He burned a lot of DB’s in the nfl with his speed.

Anthony Gonzalez is coming in to the league running in the 4.4’s. The Pats didn’t keep Deion Branch the super bowl MVP. they wouldn’t even pay him. They probably would have went back if they had consistent WR play which Branch provided.

Welker’s Stats

Before the season started, I knew Welker was going to have an impact for the Patriots offense. But not this big of an impact. I think that if the Pats would have won the Superbowl, Welker would have gotten the MVP. Too bad Welker couldn’t make it to the pro bowl.

He’s not fast. Moss would destroy Welker at any distance.

Maybe with straight line speed, but Welker would beat Moss as far as quickness and shiftiness which is far more important in football. Welker probably runs better routes as well.

what are you smoking.

Regardless if he isn’t that fast, he definitely is fast enough to play in the NFL. Him and Moss were a great wide receiver duo this year.

has nothing to do with being fast enough, its all about finding the right system for your talents, we all know that welker is not half the athlete of randy moss or Calvin Johnson. for some reason white sprinters love other white sprinters, white rbs love other white rbs etc?

LOL so you don’t think he could’ve done the same with any other team? I never said Welker was a better athlete than Moss, Johnson, etc. Not even close. But did he produce? YES regardless if he was white, black, short, tall, fast, slow, etc.

I agree that a proper system can make a player who he is though.

welker is in a perfect offense for his play just like he was in college with texas tech offense. do i think he could have done the samething with any other team, maybe, but he didnt do it with the chargers or fins. put welker on the vikings,falcons,raiders, san fran, kc etc and see how great he be.

Good points, I was gonna say that too about TT; he was in an offense like Texas Tech that throws 50-70 times a game, bound to have 6-15 catches a game. We had a guy like that at my JC, had 80 somethin catches with a 4.7 40. Talk about possession receiver.

yes welker had a great season but people need to give randy his credit, half of welker yards should be given to moss. :slight_smile: also im not sure if welker is quicker then moss but he should be, bc welker is 5’8 and moss is 6’4+ kinda similar to taller sprinters having slow starts. :slight_smile: