November 9, 2010, 11:04pm
Baldwin is very strong in many different ways. He had never squatted prior to coming to PITT yet had freakishly muscled thighs solely due to track, basketball, and football practice.
Within a couple workouts with me he was squatting 315 for easy reps then we decided to scrap the squat because he didn’t like the way his legs/knees felt.
He benched 315x1 during initial testing and this past summer he made 395. His vertical jump is +40in and his standing broad jump is +11ft and he throws a 10lb ball backward overhead for 25yds.
After scrapping squats I had him perform split squats with dumbbells and starting this season we decided to scrap all weight training for his legs entirely. He’s never felt better.
So again, this is what is optimal for him. Each athlete/coach must go through this process together in order to find unique solutions to individual training problems.
Do you think the more freakish guys can get away with less weight training and that the less gifted need to focus more on weights and strength in general?