hello all,
You may or may not recognize me, I was on these boards asking about a program to compliment my performance in rowing a year or so ago. I had a lot of mixed answers, most likely because people are not too familiar with the sport. It is a mix between sprint and endurance as a race will last 6-7 minutes depending on the type of boat that is racing. I understand that sport specific training is the #1 priority, but seeing how I am only 5’8" it would be in my best interest to make up for it with power. I am currently weighing in at 140lbs as I have to be under 63kg for my last race of the season which is in the beginning of August. After that competition I will be taking a week or two off to recover because I am been training without much break since last september. Once this September hits the fall season runs til Novemeber, then we row indoors til April, and our big season is May/June which is what we train all year round in order to peak towards. During fall and winter we pretty much do purely low, steady state aerobic workouts (60-90 minutes a day) and then start speed/interval work in the spring. I plan on racing the 158lb event next spring so I plan on using Fall and Winter to gain as much muscle as I can, without losing flexibility and while improving my aerobic base … pretty much by eating a lot of food. Every weight program that I have seen or been suggested contradicts one another, some say to train like a bodybuilder, some say use olympic lifts, some say to use bodyweight exercises and some say don’t lift at all. So I have come to the “Ask Us” sub-forum as I believe I can finally get a good programme that I will stick to,