Weight Gain Question...

So my understanding of weight gain/loss as far as the complexity I need to be concerned of as an athlete is balanced diet for proper recovery & body composition and eat more calories than one burns to gain weight, consume fewer calories than one expends to lose weight.

My question is I see so many recommendations of explanations of different set and rep structures as things like “max strength,” “hypertrophy,” “endurance,” “power,” etc.:

But if weight gain corresponds to calories in minus calories out, then what is the difference between the rep ranges as far as muscle mass increases go? Increased appetite from one range compared to another? Higher calorie expenditure from one range to another? Calories to muscle vs. bodyfat efficiency?

I see the value in working different set and rep ranges for training purposes, but as far as gaining weight I guess I don’t understand why people suppose training max strength would yield less muscle gain than the hypertrophy range if the same amount of excessive calories are consumed. I’ve never seen the ranges related to muscle mass gains presented in an “calorie storage efficiency” manner, but the only way I can suppose one rep range would yield more muscle mass gains than another is if it has either a direct effect on calorie intake or usage, especially in the type that does not seem to be able to add much bodyfat even if they tried