Weekly Results?

I thought it was preety good when every one was putting up ncaa results on the old forum just before it closed. We had a chance to see whos doing what. Will you guys who put up the results start doing them again weekend to weekend.:clap:

check ou the Athlete Development forum. Tom Green posts the weekend results from the meets.


Most meet results can be found on www.trackandfieldnews.com There will be a link for meet results on there in case no one posts them on here.

Are you looking for meet results or weekly progressions in training?

If you are looking for Track and Field Meet results here are the best places i have found.

For full international results (indoors, outdoors, T&F, marathons etc) it also has this cool feature of listing all the performances for the season of athletes. You type in the name it will list full season’s results, PBs and other records and rankings in the world for that year. It also has free stats of the worlds top 20 indoors and out. There is also a subsciptions members sections that contains even more stats.

For NCAA Results including weekend reviews and previews and links to rankings lists for all NCAA divisions.

Obviously, with very fast posting of results right after the meets. Major meets they often post results live.

The IAAF discussion Forums have lots of results from all over the world posted by forum users, particularly in Champions Corner area where people discuss elite track.

The bible of the sport has a weekly results section for all kinds of track and field athletics. Good depth with US results in particular.

Other good places to find meets and results is on member federation websites which range in useablility and resources but are a good starting point .:slight_smile:

Thanks so much guys and charlie i am looking for both. Ive been in a slump:(

UNC-Chapel Hill (2/1/03)

Indoor at East Tennessee State (1/31 to 2/1)

Here is another site for results:
