warm weather training

Just wondering if anyone can help, A group of sprinters including myself are looking for somewhere to train (holiday) later this year (november-ish) can you recomend places to stay and train (preferably america). We are looking for a period of maybe four weeks, and we are mixture of 100-200-400 oh and a loner 800 guy. Thanks for any help.

he met his future wife that night and he ran a 10.10 a week later, but then it all fell apart!

If your looking for a great place, Pretoria would be perfect, its altitude, has great facilities, they have a world class sports performance centre, and plus this place is dirt cheap for UK the exchange rate is R14 for 1 Pound!

Whatever Matthew was doing to get down to 10.08 was working. Should have stuck to the plan IMO.

but i think Matthew started running bad because he joined Mark, he left him and now hes back in 10.2 territory, i might be mistaken, ill ask him next time i see him!

Remy, good to hear about Pretoria!
Is Matthew Quinn still running? What’s the name of his old coach?

yup he was running 10.5s 10.4s earlier this year, then all of a sudden he ran a 10.27 then a 10.28, he has a pb of 10.08 which is .02 off the sa record, his old coach is Mark Lavershay or pronounced that way, he`s the coach of the SA relay team that won the silver at edmonton.

Maybe Matt should go back to him…

hes moved to durban to be with Mathew Quins old coach, safety wise pretoria is one of the safest cities in the southern hemisphere, as all the diplomats & embassies are located here, which means increased police presence, now johannesburg, cape town or durban, man those places you dont dare drive down thru the city at night! Alot of the international athletes train here, the finnish champ, Maria Mutola & Kelly someone, there is the nigerian runners here, the greeks were here for a while, including kenteris, some italian guys are coming down sometime, Marcus Poyhonnen was training here for like a month before world indoors as well, so far no deaths, stabbings or shootings !!!

Yeah, South Africa would be a great place if you didn’t have the fear of being stabbed, shot or killed. Hopefully Pretoria is a safer place than other parts of South Africa. I think I remember reading that Morne Nagel trains in Pretoria. I don’t know if he still does. Remy?