May 12, 2009, 2:59pm
Did you perform the same warmup everyday? Your warmup look very similar to Dan’s with all the different Drills etc.
In my athletic career I have been exposed to many different methods of warming up, from exclusively static stretching to no stretching at all and just starting practice at a lower intensity (after all, a deer doesn’t stretch in the woods, or some similar logic).
I know that the overwhelming trend currently is the complete exclusion of any static stretching because of the research showing a negative effect on power.
Recently I’ve been doing the following warmup:
Jog/Skip- 400-600 yards
Static stretch- various stretches held for anywhere between 8-15 seconds
Drills 2x20yds- A-skip, B-skip, backward skip, backward run, carioca, lateral walk, crossover walk, lunge walk, power skip for height, power skip for distance
Dynamic Stretch x10 ea- leg swings front and lateral, scissors, iron cross, scorpions, mule kicks, leg whips
Hurdle mobility
Buildups- 2-3
For my recent workout with the Cowboys, the warmup was similar starting with hurdle mobility, skipping and hopping, a section of static stretching for the hips, quads and hamstrings and finally some walking dynamic stretches and drills.
In both instances I have found that the static stretching seemed to help and I felt little if any background muscle noise in my subsequent sprints.
On the other hand, I am not arrogant enough to presume that I have all the answers or that my program is flawless.
I’d be interested to hear some thoughts and experiences regarding the use of static stretching in the warmup prior to a power/speed workout.
Ya that was the warmup that we performed for the three days of work that I did down there. Although the pace and intensity of the warmup was different every time according to my needs.