February 17, 2010, 7:22pm
This kind of leaves out the fact that, in Hart’s program, people even with the same PB may come from completely different backgrounds. That seems obvious, but when someone like Mark Teter comes in from an endurance background, his 20 point 200 can be a bit different than someone like Jacob Norman who just has freaky top speed. Interestingly though, people of both backgrounds have gotten grinded out of existence by the heavy running volumes.
From what I’ve seen and heard (from someone who actually trained @ Baylor), there isn’t much change for paces unless you are going to go ahead of pace. Athletes are pretty much expected to hit pace or exceed it if of a higher caliber.
Not much different then most “tempo schools”, you would have 1000 different workout groups if you had different times for every athlete. I’m going over the line but I understand what your saying.