Volles 400m training

week 4:

t:25 min easy+a few short strides
w:300+60,50,40,30; 200+60,50,40,30; 150+60,50,40,30 (30sec rest between long rep and first short rep) Full set recovery.(10 minutes) Times: 300:42! 200:25! 150m:18!
I am suprised how fast I ran on this session didnt expect that.
f:30 min easy
s:300+150, 150+150, 100+80, 80+60, 60+60 (all 30sec b/reps; full rec between sets (10 min) Times: 300:44 150:21.5. 150:19 150:20.5 Rest of the session no time because of difficulty measuring distances on indoor track. Did not feel super great today but the times I guess are ok.
s:40 min easy

Very happy with the session on wednesday. As I can recall those 300m,200m and 150m times are very fast for me. Also in training shoes.

I don’t have the exact words, but KK would say give what you can on the given day. Some days are better than others. Charlie would say something similar as well. Nice job so far. Keep at it week by week!

Training going well, but with this program the key sessions are quite long and hard. Because of that I have not trained any strength training since I started this program.
So would you still advice me to incorporate some strength training still? I dont have access to gym but have a pair of dumbells and I can do bodyweight exercises.
What strength excersis will give me most bang for buck without leaving me too tired for the real running training?


I found that I ended up doing much less lifting when doing this program too. There isn’t a lot of gas left in the tank once you get to the gym. In fact my top athlete has continually wore me down to the point where he doesn’t lift much either. Most of the work we do is centered around explosive medball throws. Maybe throws could be an option for you. They are simple, can be done almost anywhere, and don’t take up a ton of time.

T - As I have matured I have realized even on S-L plans dropping weights occasionally is fine. Being a motivated, type A person I always wanted to do everything planned for the day. After having a few coaches put me at ease that it’s ok to drop weights occasionally I started dropping them. If after finishing sprints I was questioning myself as to whether I should do weights or not, I would simply omit them, especially lower body weights. Sometimes I have just done medball throws and a press.

For a chronically lazy athlete I might push them a little to do weights, but not much.

This is one of the many reasons why I have dropped the ol’s lifts. After performing sprints, jumps, throws, I have very little resources left to perform cleans, squats, bench. Most days I have notice my bench press performance drops after performing sprints, jumps, throws, squats. As you saw with the Baylor plan they never went over 85% with their static/ol’s lifts. You can also see they perform one explosive movement per session and the explosive movement includes throws/jumps. Baylor Choices: Clean variations, Power Jerk, DE Squat & Bench w/accommodating resistance, various jumps or throws

Hey lr1400,

Very interesting to hear about those parallels. I happen to coach someone who has often been termed a “chronically lazy” athlete- it’s the guy in my journal from 2012. He complained vociferously that I was making him lift “too much” last season. What I’ve found is that usually when he complains, there’s something to it. I am a chronic no-talent, so I know I can’t comprehend what it’s like to have his plethora of fast twitch fibre so I am trying to listen actively to his complaints.

Over time, I’ve basically dropped the lifts with him and gone with various throws instead. What led me to do that is a combination of his complaining about various aches, pains, soreness etc. resulting from lifting. The two other factors were;

  1. Ange’s story about how Charlie didn’t have her lift at all for the first couple of years they worked together, instead opting to build a base of tendon strength to prepare the body for lifting later on.

  2. The story about the hockey player who CF worked with who did track workouts, threw the medball and essentially didn’t really lift, yet still managed to crush the “fit guy” on the team in the “225 for reps” test.

Below is the menu of throws we use mostly- to be clear, we don’t do all of these in a session! We will usually pick a couple from each category, or progress into the more complex ones from set to set (e.g. Set 1- hop throws over mat, Set 2- double hop throws over mat, etc.)

Acceleration type throws

Explosive throws onto high jump mat at 45 degree angle
Explosive hop throws onto high jump mat at 45 degree angle
Explosive double hop throws onto high jump mat at 45 degree angle
Jumps up onto box + up and onto high jump mat (2-3 sets of 4-6 reps)

Explosive throws

Chest throw (3 sets of 8-15 reps)
Slams (3 sets of 8-15 reps)
Standing overhead forward throws (3 sets of 8-15 reps)
Rollback, rollup and throw (3 sets of 10-15 reps)
Overhead back throws (2-3 sets of 6-8 reps)
Overhand vertical squat throws (overhand grip, medball at chest height) (2-3 sets of 6-8 reps)
Underhand vertical squat throws (underhand grip, medball at ankle height)

Medball throws complex

Explosive chest throw + slam (8-10 reps, 2-3 sets)
Explosive chest throw against wall, explosive slam on ground, overhand vertical squat throw (performed consecutively, 5-10 reps, 2-3 sets)
Explosive chest throw, explosive slam, underhand vertical squat throw (4-8 reps, 2-3 sets)

Stimulation throws (e.g. done prior to an acceleration to excite the CNS)

Explosive throws over mat at 45 degree angle (2-4 reps)
Throw + 10m accel
Hop throw + 10m accel
Double hop throw + 10m accel
Triple hop throw + 10m accel

As you can see I don’t veer too far away from Charlie’s recommendations!

As an interesting aside, one of the guys I train is a former AHL pro hockey player. He happens to personally know and work with the “fit guy” who CF’s guy crushed in testing. “Fit guy” was a volume monster who did lots of hard work. Still, it’s clear he was smart enough to begin investigating CF’s methods once he saw his teammate’s results. He is now retired and does strength and conditioning work with elite NHL prospects for big money. One day my athlete showed up with a softcover copy of CFTS to practice. He had been instructed by fit guy’s business partner to read it over repeatedly and internalize the principles. This is just another one of the countless examples of those smart enough to internalize CF’s principles becoming very successful.

week 5

m:3-6 (2x60m Skip, 2x80m Sprint Buildups, 2x80m Sled Pull or Equivalent Light Resistance) Here i did 3 sets of 80m skipping,80m stride and 60m hill sprint ( i dont have a sled)
w:300+60,50,40,30; 200+60,50,40,30; 150+60,50,40,30 (30sec rest between long rep and first short rep) Full set recovery.(10 minutes) Times: 300:40! 200:25 150m:18 (40 was maybe too fast for me. got alot of acid.
t:20 easy
s:300+150, 150+150, 100+80, 80+60, 60+60 (all 30sec b/reps; full rec between sets (10 min) Times: 300:48 150:20. 150:19 150:20.5 ( felt abit tired today)

Be sure to rest up for test week. Give yourself good conditions for testing. My group tests tomorrow due to weather, so only 1 day of testing for us.

Second time through the cycle you will see huge improvements. The good stuff is ready to happen!

I have a indoor track at my disposal 7 day per week, so the testing conditions will be good :slight_smile:
I will be sure to really rest up for the tests.
I have lately been second guessing the program abit, but thats my bad habit/sceptisism playing with my mind.I always thing that I can do something better than others (when it comes to training planning)
But the splits (i dont know if thats the correct english word) is showing me that I am in already better shape than previous years. So the program must be working I guess.
Looking forward to reapeat the cycle again.
thanks for input.

The GPP will get you in great shape to handle nearly any sound progression.

Today my runners tested 60m indoor hallway, then 300m outdoors (weather permitted it today.)

In the 60m, both athletes ran PRs running in regular running shoes on a marble floor. Given we haven’t done much max velocity work, it is surprising to find they ran so well. In the 300m, they went after it early and paid at the end, but still ran within 1 second of their 300m PR. Be patient and let things work out over time.

week 6: Rest and test week.

m:3x80m high knees, kickbacks and uphill skipping. Then 8x60m uphill sprints. I changed this from KK workout because it just feels more right for me to do it like that. I think I achieve something of the same even its not competely the same.
t:20 min easy
f:TEST: 150m: 18.18. 20 min rest/jog. 300m 39.50. I am ok happy with the 150m. But I was stressing too much and my stride got short a and not so powerful. I had got acceleration but then I felt something was missing abit from 50m and to 150m. With the 300m I am dissapointed! I would have liked to see the 38. The first 100 was ok but from 100-200 it was bad. Bad teqnicue and slowing down. 200m was passed on 25.50. Then I pushed more and went in under 40s. So I was recovering the speed abit the last 100m.
s:20min easy
s:Rest (planned to have a test here but indoor stadium closed so have to take it on monday)

BTW when I was running 51.1 in the 400m (many years ago) my weight was around 76kg. Now its 80kg. Maybe that can infuence the performance abit?
Maybe I need to clean up my diet abit.

Training the last 6 weeks.


m:2x4x150m. 2 min jog rec. 21-24 sec. I think I ran abit too fast her.
t:5x35 sec hills. walk back rec. Tired after monday. Did monday too fast I now figuerd out. Quite hard to do the hills
w: Rest
T:5x200m @28-29. 2 min jog rec. Felt ok. Not that tired but could not really push hard for some reason.
F: 25 easy jogging. The plan was long hills, but felt tired so I just did easy jog and stretching.
S: 4x1 min hills walk back rec. Very good session. Found a not so steep hill that was long and I could run it with good teqnicue. I think I did smart by taking Friday easy.
S: This will be a rest and recovery day.

m:Sprints ladder 350, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100, 60, 50, 40, 30 - slow walkback recoveries. I cut out the 40 and 30m. FeltI had enough. But still a good session for me.
t:2(300-150) Wow hard session. 300ms:43. 150:22-21. rec pause 40 sec. 20 min set rec. felt like a penguin on the 150s
f:20 easy
s:2x2x200m 2.30 min rep rec. 5 min set rec 27-28-27-27. Changed this one from 5x200m so that I go run at a faster pace.


m:20 min easy jog
t:warmup and 8x100m relaxed fast strides on turf grass. walk back rec
w:4x1 min hill runs. walk back rec. Felt tired that day. Loads of acid on the last part of last rep. Hard session
f:3x3x300m 1.30 min rep rec. setrec. 7 min and 9 min. avg: 50 seconds. Felt very good in my legs and rest of body. historically this is a good average time for me.
s:40 min easy jog
s:300+4x60, 250+3x60, 200+2x60, & 150+1x60. 300m: 45 sec. 250m: 37 sec 200m .27 sec. 150m: 19 sec.
45 sec rec after the long intervall before the 60s. Then walkback rec between 60ms. Set rec 5 minutes.
Felt very good in my legs. Session was not too hard.

week 4:
t:25 min easy+a few short strides
w:300+60,50,40,30; 200+60,50,40,30; 150+60,50,40,30 (30sec rest between long rep and first short rep) Full set recovery.(10 minutes) Times: 300:42! 200:25! 150m:18!
I am suprised how fast I ran on this session didnt expect that.
f:30 min easy
s:300+150, 150+150, 100+80, 80+60, 60+60 (all 30sec b/reps; full rec between sets (10 min) Times: 300:44 150:21.5. 150:19 150:20.5 Rest of the session no time because of difficulty measuring distances on indoor track. Did not feel super great today but the times I guess are ok.
s:40 min easy

week 5:
m:3-6 (2x60m Skip, 2x80m Sprint Buildups, 2x80m Sled Pull or Equivalent Light Resistance) Here i did 3 sets of 80m skipping,80m stride and 60m hill sprint ( i dont have a sled)
w:300+60,50,40,30; 200+60,50,40,30; 150+60,50,40,30 (30sec rest between long rep and first short rep) Full set recovery.(10 minutes) Times: 300:40! 200:25 150m:18 (40 was maybe too fast for me. got alot of acid.
t:20 easy
s:300+150, 150+150, 100+80, 80+60, 60+60 (all 30sec b/reps; full rec between sets (10 min) Times: 300:48 150:20. 150:19 150:20.5 ( felt abit tired today)

week 6:
m:3x80m high knees, kickbacks and uphill skipping. Then 8x60m uphill sprints. I changed this from KK workout because it just feels more right for me to do it like that. I think I achieve something of the same even its not competely the same.
t:20 min easy
f:TEST: 150m: 18.18. 20 min rest/jog. 300m 39.50. I am ok happy with the 150m. But I was stressing too much and my stride got short a and not so powerful. I had got acceleration but then I felt something was missing abit from 50m and to 150m. With the 300m I am dissapointed! I would have liked to see the 38. The first 100 was ok but from 100-200 it was bad. Bad teqnicue and slowing down. 200m was passed on 25.50. Then I pushed more and went in under 40s. So I was recovering the speed abit the last 100m. Test was done in training shoes. no spikes
s:20min easy
s:Rest (planned to have a test here but indoor stadium closed so have to take it on monday)

So what do you think you could run for 400m right now?

Maybe at 53 something. Hard to say. What do you think?

Not sure. I had wto women time trial 46.7 for 350m with a 5m rolling start 3 weeks ago. Last year they split 53.5 on relays at the end of season. We are Only in gpp right now. So I don’t know what they could run in an open meet. I would guess 54-55. You being a man, should have a little better finishing strength. So 53 might be right.

Yes I think now I am around 53.
When I ran my 400m pb of 51.1 I had a 150m test a few weeks before. That was outdoors with spikes. Time was 17.3s. I guess If I want to do a sub 50 400m I need to be sum 17.3 at least.

Because the weather is dropping under zero I have decided that the next cycle will consist of 600ms instead of the long hills.
I am also wondering if I can replace the 20 min jog with 40-50 min jog? I might run a few 800meters next year so maybe it would be wise to have some longer runs?
I dont feel it hurts my recovery but rather enhance it. I have a 800m background so maybe I respond well to it? Willit hurt my speed for the 400m?

Don’t doubt your progress. You completed a preparation phase, so that you can now handle faster speeds. I use this exact program for 400/800 guys, never ran more than 30 minutes on those days. I would now have them work up to a 60 minute run once a week (Day 6) followed by a day off, before the Day 1 of the next week. I wouldn’t change much else.

Your comments on your 300m time are fantastic. You are very in tune with your body. My guess is you went out like a mad man and crashed and burned towards the end. My kids did the same thing in their 300 test. Had they run it “even”. times would have improved. I wouldn’t change anything and repeat the next 6 weeks. A replacement for the hill session but be 5x60 (walk back recovery) for 2 sets, done at fast but not full out speed. In the next time trial, run the 300 even, but also in training, go after the longer runs a bit faster.

The 150 isn’t going to improve in this phase. Nothing in training has been done to cause it to be fast. Following transition, I would expect to see some faster 150 times because of the max velocity work and the all our longer SE work sessions like 350, 300 etc.

Where do you live? Do you have access to an indoor track?

Try replacing 20 min jogs with 30-45 mins. IMHO you need to go over 30 mins to get a decent aerobic benefit - 20 min jogs are recovery rather than development. Greater duration than 45 mins tends to become a physically tiring session and will reduce the quality of the 400m sessions.

Try doing some of the runs on a hilly course and push some of the uphill efforts harder.

Replace the 400 hill sessions with an 800m pace sequence going short to long. eg 5x500 fast and relaxed. Then 4x500 at 800m pace. Then 3x600 at 800m pace.

So you are upping the continous runs a bit and replacing full hill sessions with 800m specific sessions. If this is mixing things too much you could cysle through 400m weeks as per GPP and 800m week variations. You can also split your season into 400 focus and 800 focus and traing accordingly.