Videos from Birmingham 18/2 2005.

that leaves a lot of range from top to bottom level…
can someone break it down?

wtf, why was this done?!

I think it’s 25 kg or aprox. 55 pd.

Well, the way Charlie phrased it, it sounds like the system was made as a purposely unfair method. Granted, I am in agreeance with him, I don’t like the new rule, but the rule is not put in place solely to “absolve” the first false starter, and penalize anyone else. It is to ensure fewer overall false starts, or the possibility of such, by charging the entire field with a false start…i.e. 8 simultaneous individual false starts charged at once. Then, after that, anyone (including the athlete who originally jumped the gun) who false starts again is out.

It basically decreases the number of potential time-wasting false starts that can occur and still have one remaining athlete from 15 to 8. Still, a pretty useless and pointless rule.

If your goal is to reduce the number of false-starts, then use the NCAA rule and have no false starts- or go back to the rule that was successful for 100 years, designed by people who know more about the sport than NBC.

Oh, definitely, I agree. Coming up with a third method of handling false starts just muddies the waters. Pick something and stick with it.

Unfortunately, TV is the most hegemonic device out there with regards to sports, so the need to fit everything into a nice little packaged time slot takes precedence over, say, putting on a quality meet.

And how many TV producers know how to put on a quality meet? Not many I’m sure. I mean, they don’t shorten football games for TV, so why piss track and field about? :mad:

Well, they don’t shorten it, but they do have to change things around, add in “TV Time Outs”, etc.

Trust me, pretty much every single sport that gets televised at all has been changed in at least one, and more likely, many ways since the advent of TV.

and here we go again!

EIC, men’s 60H…
i just missed the medal from the sofa!