Very Important : Please READ

Dear Members

thank you for your patience during our infrastructure update, as some of you know; we do this every 3 years.

We’re 90% complete but ask that you refrain from posting big news/posts until I give the green light which I expect to post shortly.

We have a single error (which in itself is tied into a few additional issues).

Hope this helps


Is posting in my journal ok?

too late :o

Hi Rupert

Has this change effected orders as well? I have ordered the Vancouver 2007 download (2nd July) but the status is still pending. I have ordered material previously and not had this problem (received within 24hours).


I don’t think there’s a point in posting Dynamittom, because everything I posted last time the site had problems, is deleted now. Save it on word and post later !!

No, orders are fine; I just had my hands full. If you still have an order outstanding (i thought i got them all) just send me a note as a reminder and I’ll fill everyones orders tonight (Friday). Send a note over to and we’ll get you sorted without delay. I’m 98% done on the site update.
