Vancouver vs. GPP Dvd

Can someone give me a brief overview of the difference between these two products?

The Vancouver is a seminar- now re-cut to DVD, while the GPP DVD is a training video with a training subject and reg speed and slow-mo examples of methods.

thanks cf…

if you had to recommend just one ($ issues), which would it be considering i have cfts and the forum review?

Thats a tough one, they are both great.


Get the GPP DVD you wont be dissapointed. Theres no fancy equipment needed to follow the program and its easy to follow and modify if you need to. BUT… They are all the bomb though. Cut down your trips to the snack machines for a week or two and get them both :smiley:

If you feel completely comfortable with the info in CFTS and the Forum Review, you might start with the GPP DVD, but the Vanc seminar will clarify a lot from the books. All the products support and expand on each other.

I would definently buy the gpp dvd over the vancouver seminar. The gpp dvd has the best real world application. It shows you all the workouts and exercises.

thanks. i was leaning toward gpp for that very reason.

Is the Vanc. Seminar coming out in DVD soon? Shall I wait for it, or get the tapes? What’s the situation on this?


the Vanc seminar has just been converted to DVD so orders will now be filled in the DVD format.

that’s fine!
thanks Charlie!

If we already have the Video format, how much for an extra DVD copy?


Prices are at our store, there are no discounts for “already owned” products.

Thank you


I’m not fully up to speed with DVD technology, do they still have the different regions?

There are currently 6 global region codes that identify specific DVDs that are compatible with the players typically sold in that region. The majority of all current titles play in only one specific region unless otherwise noted. Most of the DVDs sold by are encoded for Region 1 (U.S. and Canada) only and may not work on DVD players in other countries. Listed below are the six regions.

  1. U.S., U.S. Territories, Canada, and Bermuda
  2. Japan, Europe, South Africa, and the Middle East, including Egypt
  3. Southeast Asia, East Asia, including Hong Kong
  4. Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands, Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean
  5. Former Soviet Union, Indian subcontinent, Africa, North Korea, and Mongolia
  6. China

I take it the DVD is in region 1 format, is it in others as well?

We support all countries/formats. Your shipping address (or your special instructions) determine which format we ship out.

Hope this helps


Well it helps in that given your answer, I will more than likely order the GPP DVD :smiley: