I’ve just received confirmation from the National Strength and Conditioning Association that Charlie’s seminar in Vancouver is approved for 1.6 CEUs. So, any CSCS or CPTs interested in attending can receive credits.
Hey #2,
Whats CEU stand for? Certified Educational Units? You say that the seminar is worth 1.6, whats the explaining scale?? ie. 1hr= 0.5 pts, 2 = 1 pts, etc? But most importantly, I assume this is only for “live” attendance and those who only buy the video, even if they are CSCS or CPTs, but don’t attend, do not get credit, I am right?
My understanding is the CEU stands for Continuing Education Units. The NSCA makes it mandatory to collect a given amount of CEU’s in order to maintain your certifications. In the case of the Vancouver seminar, we are undertaking 16 hours of presentation and discussion, so we have been granted 0.1 credits per hour.
And, yes, you must be present at the seminar to cash in on these CEU’s. That’s the catch.
I was at the gym a day ago and was watching a trainer look on his phone while his client was performing a lift.
You get points to pay attention for school in the form of marks or certificates or to maintain your professional designation. Continuing to educate yourself is important but how are you going to do it?
I used to fight Charlie all the time about having a free forum. Why? We needed to pay our bills. He lost his job. He lost his career and he lost his reputation in the world. I was a student. Not only that I had no money and i quit school as I was aggregated to be chased by reporters on campus. It was the right thing for me to do at the time. I went back eventually and got my degree.
The seminars were set up so Charlie could directly connect with coaches and athletes who wanted to learn from the best. It gave him direct contact with interested customers.
It’s taken the world decades to catch up to him and there is so much more to learn for all of us depending on what you want in your journey.
Points are good and accreditation’s are also good but just because you don’t get points does not mean the information you discover and practice on your own won’t change you and how you are thinking about what you are doing. When you are coaching and in a position of influence there is no excuse for not paying attention and I see it all the time at all levels of sport.