
After hearing that they were a very good choice as a multivitamin I ordered Usana essentials. I have a few questions for anybody that uses them:

1.)The “chelated minerals” tablets contain 270mg (30% DV) of calcium. These are the tablets that also contain Zinc, Magnesium, Maganese, and Copper. Is this a low enough amount of calcium that it wouldn’t inhibit absorbtion of these, if I have the tablets alone?

2.)I thought that they were going to be very soft. In fact they are almost as hard as Centrum. Will this make absorbtion hard?

3.)When do all of you take them? I was thinking I would maybe take the “mega antioxidant” ones with dinner or breakfast and the “chelated minerals” ones before bed, at least two hours after the last meal.

If possible, I’d like to get an answer to the third question fairly quickly.

After one month of using Usana I can say that I while I have not added 200 pounds of muscle or recorded a 9.65 I definitely have noticed some results, the main one being increased recovery and sleep. Sleep has gotten better especially during the last week. Someone posted recently about mineral accumulation, which might have been the reason for this and also the reason one month can’t completely prove the effectiveness.
I also have accidentally gained five pounds of muscle this month and actually lost bodyfat which I’m sure was a function of a lot of things, but this may also have played a role. I got a start on my speed endurance a little late, and it has improved very very rapidly and this may have contributed a little but I can’t be sure at all. Now I’m going to try HPF for a month.

Trust me when I tell you that USANA is better than any multi you will find. Don’t buy into the gel cap theory. No disrespect to Clemson. The only thing that matters is the rate of dissolution. A good way to take the Essentials is 2 AntiOx in a.m. with on chelated mineral. p.m. take 2 chelate minerals with one antiOx before bed. The high mineral content provides a sounder sleep. Look at empirical evidence and you will find USANA is the most sound product from a scientific basis. It is also Pharmaceutical grade. How many other vitamins can stake that claim? I also take 2 Proflavonol 90 per day to enhance my antioxidant defense system and increase my recovery.

Thanks a lot Clemson. Unfortuneately the calcium is in the supplement. I might try the high performance fitness multi you suggested on another thread after my supply of this is done and contrast results. That’s much much cheaper too.

Thanks again, both. You really helped me out.:slight_smile:

I agree that the soy protein thing makes me a bit squeamish. No need for us to get a neutering through protein. The compan y is solid. They trade on NASDAQ under USNA. Last I looked, they were trading just under $19/share. They focus more on health through optimizing nutritional intake. I honestly believe they are easily the best product I have taken and I have taken about everything. I also wish thay would go in the direction of athletic performance, but from a business standpoint, that would be suicidal. Their best marketing strategy is to go after the average Joe. Too much toward athletes and people might think it is only for athletes. I got involved in the business strictly because I loved the products. It has boosted my bottom line by $600-800 per month without a whole lot of work. Best thing is, while I am busting butt working with athletes, I keep getting checks. I personally know several people who make in the $100,000 of thosands yearly from this so it can’t be too bad. Anyhow, The products are top notch, but can be pricey for some. Love many of your posts. Have sent me in some good directions to learn. I appreciate that.

Thats pretty interesting. Obviously you have q deep knowledge base. I agree with you that everyone has different demands, but is taking possibly an extra 200 mg’s of C going to have a deleterious effect? It is water based after all. I know in this day and age of being very specific we can overanalyze things. Perhaps a KISS approach would be beneficial. I don’t know that I ever have seen anyone OD on Vit C. Besides the runs that is. Just postulating. You are certainly an asset to this forum as you raise some iinteresting questions and have stellar posts. Look forward to seeing more!

I wouldn’t worry too much about the kidney stone problem. Remember Linus Pauling took up to 10 grams daily of C. Later he admitted he might have been taking too much. Your body has so much demand placed on your antioxidant defense system that it is scary. Daily stress, inhaling environmental carcinogens, drinking water, food. You name it , it stresses the organism out. Too much stress(training etc.) will cause a breakdown and slower recovery. Recovery is one thing, but health is entirely another thing altogehter. If you want a very imformative book, get What your Doctor doesn’t know about nutritional medicine may be killing you by Dr. Ray Strand. If you would like I could sell you a copy for $15. I bought a bunch for clients for Christmas. Also, I wouldn’t tamper with changing your B’s around too much. I think it is all about optimizing the dosages. Usana has done a helluva job in designing the Esentials. Dr. Michael Colgan was involved in developing the products.Hope this anwsers your questions.

What’s 716’s opinion?

I have two more questions if any of you wouldn’t mind answering:

1.)Will the high percentage of Vitamin C give me kidney stones?


2.)Will the high percentage of B vitamins make my body adapt to use of them and therefore make it hard to gain benefit from them if I start supplementing with them later on?

I’m sorry if either of these are myths that were dispelled on a thread I didn’t read somewhere.

Thank you both a lot. I’m going to follow your advice about timing, idealimage. I may end up having to go with high performance because of price issues (I asked my parents if I could order a new multi off the internet and they said alright and gave me their credit card. Before this I was taking Centrum which is sold at 19.00 for a years supply so its going to be tough convincing them when they get the bill) and I may just try it so I can report back on the results of both.

Here is an e-mail I received last year:

Dear Tom Green,

Hello USANA family, this is Brett Blake, Vice President of International
Marketing for USANA Health Sciences, Inc. Below you’ll find copies of the
press release and Olympic proposal USANA is issuing to the media today. We
would invite you to read and become familiar with the release and would
invite you to forward the release to reporters in your home town newspaper
if you are comfortable doing so. Please refer them to Peter Van Duser
(801) 954-7627 if they have any questions about our news release or the
proposal to Chairman Pound.

USANA Health Sciences Calls for IOC to Certify Supplements
Proposal for Industry/IOC Cooperative Effort

SALT LAKE CITY – USANA Health Sciences Vice President of Research and
Development, Tim Wood, Ph.D., today called for an IOC-administered
certification program for nutritional supplements. According to Dr. Wood,
supplement manufacturers would submit their products for testing and
receive certification that the products were safe for athletes to use. A
media briefing on the proposal is scheduled for Friday, February 8, at the
Utah Media Center, located in the ExpoMart, 230 West 200 South.

‘We are proposing that the IOC use the scientific capabilities at its
disposal to provide guidance for the athletes, rather than merely issuing
threatening declarations to athletes that provide no practical solutions,’
said Wood. ‘That must change, and we can take the first steps toward
improving that situation while we’re all here in Salt Lake City.’

Wood’s proposal calls for manufacturers to work with IOC-sponsored
anti-doping agencies to establish standards for the design and production
of supplements suitable for Olympic level athletes. ‘Since these agencies
are reportedly testing supplements now - without publishing meaningful
results - clearly this testing could be used to certify products and
manufacturers and to guide the athlete’s choice,’ said Wood.

Currently, several IOC anti-doping agencies have condemned all supplements
and warned athletes to take none. But for athletes like US Speedskater, Amy
Peterson, that is not a feasible solution, ‘I have taken vitamins and
minerals for fifteen years now and have been through dozens of IOC
anti-doping tests, and have always passed them. I am going to continue to
take supplements and work with my coaches and my team doctors to identify
products I can trust.’

Jason Parker, an Olympic hopeful on Canada’s speedskating team, believes
that athletes are responsible for learning about the supplements they take,
but says that better information from the governing bodies would be very
helpful. ‘That is one thing they haven’t done for us: they haven’t let us
know what companies and products to avoid.’

Dr. Denis Waitley, a former member of the USOC’s sport medicine council,
which at the time had oversight of the anti-doping work said: ‘Not all
supplements are created equal and there should be some way to distinguish
from performance enhancing supplements and basic personal nutritional
supplementaion,’ Waitley, who currently serves as a member of the Board of
Directors of USANA Health Sciences, added, ‘An IOC-sanctioned certification
process would serve Olympic athletes by exposing poor manufacturers and
encouraging more manufacturers to follow existing pharmaceutical-grade good
manufacturing practices (GMPs). It would also negate the fear that
thousands of athletes live in today as they follow the advice of health

Wood outlined his proposal in a letter sent to Dick Pound, chairman of the
World Anti-Doping Agency, and Jacques Rogge, the president of the IOC. A
letter was also sent to US Senator Orrin Hatch, inviting him to help bring
manufacturers together to discuss this issue with the IOC and other
relevant athletic federations.

Senator Hatch was instrumental in the development and passing of the
Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), which guides the FDA’s
regulation of the nutrition industry. The proposal for the establishment of
an IOC certification program will be presented to the media and the public
in a briefing to be held at the Utah Media Center at 1:00 PM, Friday,
February 8.

USANA Health Sciences, Inc., develops, manufactures and distributes
nutritional products that are sold directly to preferred customers and
distributors throughout the United States, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, the
United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand. More
information on USANA can be found at


For more information, press only:
Peter Van Duser Tel: 801-954-7627,

February 7, 2002

Honorable Jacques Rogge
International Olympic Committee
Chateau de Vidy
1007 Lausanne, Switzerland

Via Facsimile: 41 21 621 6216

Dear Mr. Rogge:

USANA Health Sciences, Inc. is a manufacturer and distributor of high
quality nutritional supplements. We have been privileged to support and
sponsor the US and Canadian Speedskating teams and we are aware that our
products are used by world-class athletes in many sports and by thousands
in their personal fitness and health regimens. In response to recent media
reports about WADA, USADA and other Olympic organization’s concerns with US
manufactured nutritional and dietary supplements, we are making the
following proposal.

As responsible members of the supplement industry USANA would welcome the
opportunity to work with the WADA, the IOC, and others to establish a
supplement certification program. We envision a program that would require
supplement manufacturers to follow advanced quality guidelines, to conduct
rigorous product testing, and/or submit to third-party quality inspections.
Manufacturers who successfully participate in the program would be
certified as suppliers of supplements safe for use by Olympic athletes.

We believe that such a program could be designed and implemented in a
fairly straightforward manner. We also believe that the majority of
reputable supplement manufacturers would be able to meet the program
requirements with relatively minor modifications to their manufacturing
guidelines. Our conviction is that this program is essential. Surveys show
that about half of high performance athletes take nutritional supplements.
Even after recent warnings, more than 40% of the athletes competing in the
Olympics take a multivitamin multi-mineral product. With such widespread
acceptance and us of these products, studies also show that only a very
small minority of athletes (less than 3%) ever test positive for a banned

USANA Certification Proposal
Page 2

We do not view the nutritional supplement industry to be an ‘industry out
of control.’ Rather it is an industry that needs to raise the bar on
quality. Perhaps just as importantly, the industry needs to adjust and
amend its manufacturing practices to meet the special needs of athletes and
the growing role of drug testing in athletics.

In the United States, US Senator Orrin Hatch has been a leader in promoting
legislation for this industry and he has recently responded to IOC concerns
by introducing amendments to provide the FDA more resources to enforce
existing regulations. Although it would not be within the scope of his
customary responsibilities as a United States Senator, we believe that
Senator Hatch would be an outstanding person to facilitate discussions
between manufacturers and IOC representatives. We would welcome the
opportunity to meet with you and to discuss the proposal in greater detail.
We believe that the implementation of a program such as this will provide
consistency in the application of anti-doping standards and will give
athletes, trainers and sports organizations clear guidelines as to which
supplements are to be trusted. We look forward to working with the WADA,
the IOC and others to move this process forward.

Tim Wood, Ph.D.
Vice President Scientific Operations

Cc: Dick Pound, WADA
US Senator Orrin Hatch

We will cover this issue in more detail in a media briefing Friday at 1pm
at the UTAH Media Center in Salt Lake City. We also have radio and video
news releases available for electronic media upon their request.

Thank you,

Brett A Blake
Vice President, International Marketing
USANA Health Sciences, Inc.

I have tried both the Usana and the liquid vitamins that Clemson speaks of. Personally, I had the same results and saved a lot of money by getting the liquid vitamins. I guess it’s just a preferrence, but when you start throwing in therapy, zma, protein, etc… I hate to spend a lot on vitamins. Just my two cents though.

Thanks Tom and mj. :slight_smile:

Im not a nutrition expert but when comparing the nutritional information on the essentials and the liquid product that Clemson talks about Im not sure it is even fair to compare the two. Why not spend the extra $9?

Its a $12 difference. I really do not know much about nutrition, but I think there are probably a lot more factors at play than the quantities of the vitamins and minerals.

Pete, I only take two of the essentials a day and still get great results. The prices would then be even and you would still get more more vitamin for the money assuming the availablity of the vitamins is the same

Cool, I guess I have a lot of experimenting ahead of me.

I just received this e-mail- thought the group would find this of interest.

From : USANA Health Sciences <>
Sent : Thursday, January 15, 2004 12:27 PM
To :
Subject : USANA Announces Athlete Guarantee Program in Vancouver, Canada January 15, 2004

Hello Joan Jellema!

USANA is offering a guarantee that would pay compensation to certain Canadian
athletes if they test positive for banned substances in world-class amateur or
professional competition as a result of using USANA nutritional products. These
athletes would enter into a contract with USANA and if they test positive for a
banned substance during the term of the contract as a result of taking USANA
products, they will receive compensation on a case by case basis up to $1
million (CDN).

Competitive athletes are keenly aware of the risks associated with taking any
medications or nutritional supplements that could result in their testing
positive for banned substances in competition. These athletes place a great
deal of stress on their bodies during training and competition, and require
nothing short of complete nutrition to perform at their best. However, poor
quality foods and incomplete diets often prevent these athletes from reaching
their full potential.

USANA’s pharmaceutical-grade standards used in producing their nutritional
supplements and other products provide athletes and coaches with the confidence
that what is contained in the bottle is listed on the label; thereby, removing
the unnecessary stress associated with the manufacturing process and contents
of these products.

“The offer, which as far as we know is the first of its kind, will undoubtedly
provide Olympic, professional, and world-class amateur athletes peace of mind
when competing,” said USANA Vice President of Research and Development Dr. Tim

With this guarantee, USANA further establishes its position at the forefront of
producing “Nutritionals You Can Trust” for athletes and health-conscious
consumers alike. Additional information about the athlete guarantee is
available by clicking on one of the following links: