Syrus, I realize that you allready know the intricacies of weight training. My answer was based on the idea that you might think I didn’t know.
You guys are over-estimating the ‘strategy’ of the top Olympic athletes.
Look, some teenager in your local gym is lifting weights with the machines. And then, some superstar superman (Usain Bolt) is doing the same exercises on machines at some other gym.
And although Glen Mills would have put more thought behind the program, Usain is still lifting the same wieghts in similar machines to what the teenager down your local club is doing.
The only advanced thing Usain is doing, is everything outside of the gym, because his gym program is simple. Yet some people here, think there has to be some Einstien like theory behind Usain’s unorthadox weight training program. There isn’t. Maybe a 6 foot 5 inch (atleast) Jamaican guy with VERY narrow hips and long leg to torso length ratio (compared to cuacasion of same hieght), would find barbell back squats to be bloody uncomfortable!
There is nothing ‘super special’ about training with a machine. Where did any of you guys get the impression that I thought it was so special. All I said was… “It might not be such a silly idea.”
Usain said the weights give him a little more speed endurance. Atleast that is better than saying it improoves his drive phase. (Becuase if people didn’t know allready, there are better methods than any type of weight training - at improoving the acceleration phases.)
This is tedium. Why do you have to think Usain’s gym program has to be “advanced”? There’s nothing advanced about it at all.
Some coaches and athletes suggest the “quadriceps are the first muscle to fatigue in a sprint”. (That quote came from Linford Christie.) And in the machine squat, you can clearly see that Usain is doing a lot for his quadriceps.
The leg extension may be used for knee stability, it might be because they feel the patella tendon needs a bit of hypertrophy to decrease injury risk. Who knows then, and frankly, who gives a shit, because weights are not the holy grail that some people around this forum allmost seem to alude to now and again.
There’s nothing special about Usains weights program, BECAUSE THERE DOESN’T NEED TO BE!
As Long as it helps just a little by functioning as prehab, giving a little variation to training and stimulation, both psycological and physiological, and strengthens areas such as the shoulders and core, then that’s fine.
Some people hammer it too much with barbells. They get lost to their weight training, and their big dumb ego, and about how much they are lifting compared to other people. They put too much tension in their body, they get depressed and demoralized because of their own high standards on a type of exercise that’s not as important as most of their other training. And a hundred other reasons.
You are SO educated, that you have missed the boat. (Yes, this is a phenomena in the modern world of 1: Sheep society and 2: internet and 3: The talented and gifted and lucky being acclaimed as experts and all those who are associated with them.
I don’t know where to begin, there are so many tangents, I have not got all day to write them. Not being funny, but you allready get tremendous c.n.s stimulation on the running track. Go TOO high in the weight room (with lower body and posterior chain) and you have not enough left for the track. That’s the main point. I’m amazed by how some of the educated people miss the boat so spectacularly.
I’m tired of this friggin thread. I’m out of here. My next comment I’m gonna use just to wind people up, if that’s what they deserve, yet to hit a point home for people who prefer to read between the lines.
Question: Who do the people on this thread think is faster? The Incredible Hulk or the Silver Surfer? Ha-ha. (Ofcourse none of you will understand what I meant by that. And Fogelson probably thinks I believe the characters actually exist or something.) I can’t be arsed with this for much longer.
Answer; Usain Bolt (The silver surfer) is as smooth as silk in many different ways that some of you would never understand. I notice EVERYTHING.
Here’s one: You know when Usain Bold rubs his head before his sprint races? You think he’s just posing? Well actually, he’s using a technique that goes back to the ancient Samuria and Bhuddist monks, and is probably known by most mammals (but few people know). When you rub your head, your “Chi” energy lowers down your body and you attain a little more self control and you don’t get over-exited.
You know when he does the “superman pose”? Really, he knew that he was giving his spine a final stretch before the final. He realizes to allow gravity to help rotate the leg forwards (when you are in anterior pelvic tilt.) Ofcourse the gravity pulls down, but when there is musculoskeletal stiffness in the leg, gravity with rotate you forwards (if you are in anterior pelvic tilt with slight forwards lean) where there is space. So by the way, sprint technique is more to do with spinal posture than ‘technique drills’ where un-informed sprinters only concentrate on their arms and legs. So Usain Bolt does the superman pose before the race to give himself a quick neural reminder to achiving optimun anterior pelvic tilt moments later in the actuall race. Yes the hips rotate away from it back to neutral and back again to anterior, if you think I didn’t know - dah. Yes, even Usain Bolts ‘poses’ for his dumb fans, back up what I said in another thread about gravity and sprinting. But this is beyond the scope of some of you guys who have lost your observation skills, because you only get your information from peoples mouths and books.
Usain Bolt does all THAT particular stuff naturally, but I could write big thick books on the subject of what you could do to improove yourself as an athlete. YES, I even notice the LITTLE things, bet none of you “EXPERTS” knew that did you? And that little trivial - triffle - piece of information I just gave, which is barely worth pennies, is absolutely NOTHING compared to stuff I could say, that I would never tell anybody. I mean there are guys getting paid for information. I only give away the most basic and trivial of my information for free (such as above). The good stuff I’ll keep to myself.
syrus2001, my last paragraphy was not not directed at you “personally”, but at peeps in general. I know you are very educated.
I’m slighlty embarrassed, I know I’m being perhaps overly defensive, but with all the negative rep points I’ve recieved lately, I feel I’ve been backed in to a corner, and my instinct is to come out fighting and I do mean everything I say, even if I’m being overly defensive. I know I’m not perfect, and have some flaws of my own.