Usain’s Strength Training

Goose, first off, I cannot even give you negative rep points. If you didn’t realize, you cannot give people negative rep points multiple times. Apparently, people just think that you are saying things that are nonsensical. ‘What you think’ involved saying that I was/am a cunt and nothing more. Glad to hear that is what you think.

Onto why your points are stupid:

  1. As Syrus pointed out, you can lift more on the machine, so of course you will be able to do more reps. There are different leverages and the bar does not weigh the same, so there will need to be adjustments. You either don’t understand this or don’t acknowledge it.

  2. The reason why there is less soreness and perceived “CNS stress” for some people is because they do not control the eccentric portion of the lift when using these machines. Again, it is the nature of the person using it, not the machine itself. If someone adjusted things, then there would most definitely be equivalent CNS stress once you adjusted the relative loads, TUT, etc. People can do more reps because of the easier leverages and reduced stress from being able to do minimal eccentric action (often bouncing the weights).

  3. You have no research studies to indicate that CNS fatigue is the limiting factor from weight training. Most sprinters (in a worldwide sense) in fact are quite lazy in the weight room, despite having great abilities. One needs to look no further than guys who can barely BP more than their bodyweight, if that, to see these guys are not pushing their maximal abilities. We arrive back to the point that any reduced stress from using machines is because people who tend to use machines also tend to not go particularly hard. So you have people that are likely not lifting properly, on machines that give improved leverages for pushing more weight, and giving half-assed efforts. The stabilization bullshit is just that because someone that is stronger on barbell lifts will be stronger on the machine every time. You don’t magically not use your ‘stabilizers’. Most of it just comes from people not controlling the eccentric on the machine and bouncing the weight, which is much more difficult to do with free weights.